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Search results for iota,327 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,327
Translated headword: Illyrians
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [They are] Thracian barbarians, but some say that they are from Persia. And
Aristophanes says: "screeching Illyrians." Meaning that they make a certain kind of vocal sound. They are "screeching" because of the unintelligibility of their voices. For
kri/gh [screech] [is] the grating sound that people who are dying make with their teeth.
Greek Original:*)illurioi/: ba/rbaroi *qra|kikoi/, oi( de\ *persi/dos au)tou/s fasin. kai/ fhsin *)aristofa/nhs: *)illurioi\ kekrigo/tes. a)nti\ tou= poia\n fwnh\n a)potelou=ntes. kekrigo/tes ou)=n dia\ th\n a)sa/feian th=s fwnh=s au)tw=n. kri/gh ga\r o( tw=n a)poqnhsko/ntwn trismo\s toi=s o)dou=si gino/menos.
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Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 December 2005@23:07:12.
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