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Adler number: iota,291
Translated headword: Hilarios, Hilarius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Hilarius] of
Antioch, the city in
Syria,[1] who held first place in the Council. He was affable by nature and in addition acute in speech and well-furnished with all kinds of books; nevertheless he had been a late learner in philosophical discourse. For as he had been required to devote his life to the public affairs of his fatherland, he had no leisure for philosophy. And in his youth he had a character resistant to self-control; so this also gave him much disinclination to the better life. But chance and opportunity came [to make him] wiser in this respect, when his dissolute youth had passed. For a certain misfortune occurred in the household, which turned out to be good fortune in a truer sense. For his wife had been caught having been corrupted by one of his friends. The seducer had become a rhetor by profession;
Moschus was his name. Having obtained some goodwill and affability from Hilarius, he was revealed as unjust to his benefactor, for he was caught in adultery with his wife. But [Hilarius], not at all disturbed by the event, did a deed demonstrating manliness and good sense. For when he caught the man, he yielded his wife to him and resigned his own rank on condition that that man serve on the Council according to the law. But he himself, for he had lived a childless life with his wife, leaving his fatherland transferred his life to the philosophers, moving to Caria and
Lydia. When he arrived at
Athens he wanted to become a disciple of
Proclus[2] and attend his philosophical lectures. But as
Proclus did not tolerate his wantonnness, having heard that he had come with his concubines and the life-style to which he was still accustomed, Hilarius departed from
Athens and followed a different form of advantage more moderate than [the way] taught by
Greek Original:*(ila/rios, *)antioxeu/s, th=s e)n *suri/a| po/lews, e)n tw=| bouleuthri/w| ta\ prwtei=a fe/rwn: e)pieikh\s de\ th\n fu/sin w)\n kai\ filomaqh\s kai\ prose/ti o)cu\s e)n toi=s lo/gois kai\ bibli/wn pantodapw=n eu)porw/tatos, o(/mws o)yimaqh\s e)gego/nei lo/gwn filoso/fwn. politeu/esqai ga\r a)nagkazo/menos ta\ koina\ politeu/mata th=s patri/dos ou)demi/an ei)=xe sxolh\n pro\s filosofi/an. e)nh=n de\ au)tw=| dusa/gwgon h)=qos e)n th=| neo/thti pro\s swfrosu/nhn: w(/ste kai\ tou=to pollh\n a)sxoli/an parei/xeto/ oi( pro\s kalli/w bi/on. a)lla\ ga\r h( tu/xh sofw/teron tou/tw| kate/sth kai\ o( kairo/s, a(/ma parhkou/shs h)/dh th=s a)kratou=s h(liki/as. a)tu/xhma ga/r ti sune/bh kata\ to\n oi)=kon, o(/per eu)tu/xhma a)pe/bh kata\ to\ a)lhqe/steron: h( ga\r gunh\ au)tou= tw=n oi)kei/wn tini\ sumfqeirome/nh katei/lhpto. o( ou)=n oi)kofqo/ros to\ e)pith/deuma r(h/twr e)gego/nei, *mo/sxos de\ o)/noma. tugxa/nwn de\ tou= *(ilari/ou tino\s eu)noi/as kai\ oi)keio/thtos a)/dikos e)fa/nh peri\ to\n eu)erge/thn: e(a/lw ga\r sunw\n th=| gunaiki/. kai\ o(\s ou)de\n taraxqei\s e)pi\ th=| sumfora=| pra=gma e)poi/hsen a)ndrei/as te kai\ fronh/sews e)xo/menon. to\n ga\r a)/ndra paralabw\n e)ce/sth me\n au)tw=| th=s gunaiko/s, e)ce/sth de\ tou= sfete/rou klh/rou, e)f' w(=| te kata\ to\n no/mon e)kei=non bouleu/ein: au)to\s de/, kai\ ga\r a)/paida bi/on th=| gunaiki\ sumbebi/wken, a)polipw\n th\n patri/da meteskeua/sato to\n bi/on pro\s tou\s filoso/fous, ei)s *kari/an te kai\ *ludi/an metanasta/s. *)aqh/naze ga\r a)fiko/menos h)bou/leto tou= *pro/klou a)kroa/sasqai kai\ lo/gwn filoso/fwn. w(s de\ ou)k h)/negken au)tou= th\n trufh\n o( *pro/klos, a)khkow\s au)to\n e)lhluqe/nai meta\ tw=n pallaki/dwn kai\ th=s sunh/qous e)/ti e)kdiaith/sews, a)naxwrh/sas *)aqh/nhqen o( *(ila/rios a)/llon metedi/wke tro/pon w)felei/as to\n summetro/teron h)\ kata\ to\n *pro/kleion.
Life of Isidore fr. 222 Zintzen, 266 Asmus, 91A Athanassiadi; cf.
Photius Bibliotheca 351a 10f.
[1] The qualifier distinguishes this well-known
Antioch from its several homonyms.
[2] On
Proclus, see
pi 2473.
Keywords: biography; children; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; philosophy; politics; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 April 2006@17:47:22.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 10 April 2006@03:37:01.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation with help from Athanassiadi's version, augmented note) on 13 December 2006@15:24:01.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 10 January 2013@09:21:32.
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