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Search results for iota,279 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,279
Translated headword: jaundice
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A disease resulting from bile.[1]
"Those who were colored with jaundice as if with gold."[2]
They say that there is a yellow-colored condition aroused by anger so as to make the eyes of the victims yellow and black, like [the eyes] of kites, from which it gets its name.[3]
[Note] that those suffering from jaundice are easily changed to a bird when they look at a curlew. See under xaradrio/s.[4]
Greek Original:*)/ikteros: no/sos e)k xolh=s sunistame/nh. tou\s i)kte/rw| xrwsqe/ntas w(/sper xrusi/w|. le/gousi de\ ei)=nai po/non w)xroeidh= a)po\ qumou= e)geiro/menon w(/ste tou\s o)fqalmou\s tw=n kekrathme/nwn w)xrou\s kai\ me/lanas poiei=n, w(s kai\ tw=n i)kti/nwn, a)f' ou(= kai\ kalei=tai. o(/ti oi( i)kteriw=ntes r(a=|on a)palla/ttontai pro\s o)/rnin to\n xaradrio\n a)poble/yantes. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| xaradrio/s.
[1] cf.
iota 278.
[2] A line of iambic poetry; perhaps George of
Pisidia (so Adler).
[3] Also in other lexica; see the references at
Photius iota97 Theodoridis. For kites see
iota 284.
chi 90.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; medicine; meter and music; poetry; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 17 June 2006@11:15:34.
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