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Search results for iota,278 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,278
Translated headword: to suffer from jaundice
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "For those who are suffering from jaundice every liquid seems to be bitter because the moisture around the tongue has this [kind of] liquid, which it tastes first and does not take hold of what is offered. But one might object, if the liquid around the tongue is bitter, it would necessarily follow that whenever honey is offered, it would seem to be less bitter, when it is mixed with sweetness and limiting the immoderate bitterness. But in fact when something sweet is offered, then it takes hold more of the bitterness. But because perception has previously been at rest, it does not take hold of the liquid around it; since if it is moved when nothing is offered, it will perceive the bitterness more strongly. So just as one who has a moist tongue perceives less, so too does he [whose tongue is] too dry; for it is necessary for the organ of perception to be affected in some way by what is tasted, since that is moist. But that which is too dry is affected less by moisture and over a longer period of time. Those hides which are dried out show [this], not being affected by moisture for a long time."
Greek Original:*)ikteria=n: o(/ti toi=s i)kteriw=si pa=s xumo\s dokei= pikro\s ei)=nai dia\ to\ th\n u(gro/thta th\n peri\ th\n glw=ttan tou=ton e)/xein to\n xumo/n, ou(= prw=ton geuome/nh ou)k a)ntilamba/netai tw=n prosferome/nwn. zhth/seie d' a)/n tis: ei) pikro\s o( peri\ th\n glw=ttan xumo/s, e)/dei, o(phni/ka prosfe/retai to\ me/li, h(=tton dokei=n pikro\n ei)=nai, e)mmigme/nou tou= gluke/os kai\ kola/zontos th\n a)metri/an tou= pikrou=: nu=n de/, o(/tan prosfe/rhtai to\ gluku/, to/te th=s pikri/as ma=llon a)ntilamba/netai. a)lla\ dia\ to\ h)remei=n pro\ tou/tou th\n ai)/sqhsin ou)k a)ntilamba/netai tou= peri\ au)th\n xumou=: e)pei\ e)a\n mhdeno\s prosenexqe/ntos kinhqh=|, ma=llon ai)sqh/setai th=s pikro/thtos. w(/sper ou)=n o( u(gra\n e)/xwn th\n glw=ttan h(=tton ai)sqa/netai, ou(/tw kai\ o( a)/gan chra/n: dei= ga\r paqei=n ti to\ ai)sqhth/rion u(po\ tou= geustou=, u(grou= o)/ntos. to\ de\ a)/gan chro\n h(=tton pa/sxei u(po\ tou= u(grou= kai\ dia\ plei/onos xro/nou. dhlou=si de\ ai( katechrame/nai tw=n bursw=n e)pi\ polu\n xro/non mh\ pa/sxousai u(po\ tou= u(grou=.
Keywords: food; medicine; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 30 June 2006@20:40:55.
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