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Search results for iota,275 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,275
Translated headword: benches, planks
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] straight timbers, or plankings of the ship.[1]
Also [meaning] the benches of the theatres, which were in the assemblies as well; for they [sc. the people] used to be seated upon timbers. Before the theatre existed, they would bind together timbers, and in this way they spectated.[2]
Aristophanes in
Thesmophoriazusae [writes]: "as soon as they come in from the benches they look suspiciously at us."[3]
"And they placed projections of timbers below the half-finished [constructions] and, after affixing planks [
ikria] to them, they began to contrive crossings by means of them."[4]
Greek Original:*)ikri/a: o)rqa\ cu/la, h)\ sanidw/mata th=s nho/s. kai\ ta\ tw=n qea/trwn, a(\ h)=san kai\ e)n tai=s e)kklhsi/ais: e)pi\ cu/lwn ga\r e)ka/qhnto. pri\n ge/nhtai to\ qe/atron, cu/la e)de/smeuon kai\ ou(/tws e)qew/roun. *)aristofa/nhs *qesmoforiazou/sais: w(/st' eu)qu\s ei)sio/ntes a)po\ tw=n i)kri/wn u(poble/pous' h(ma=s. problh/mata de\ cu/lwn kata\ tw=n h(mitele/stwn e)fi/stasan kai\ i)/kria prosph/cantes diaba/seis para\ sfa=s e)mhxanw=nto.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; see the references at
Photius iota94 Theodoridis. For the nautical part of this gloss cf. the
scholia to
Odyssey 5.163, where the headword (neuter plural) occurs (web address 1).
[2] For theatrical
i)kri/a cf.
alphaiota 35 and 357,
pi 2230; and see the Bibliography below.
Thesmophoriazusae 395-396 (a wife is speaking about husbands), followed by comment from the
scholia there. In context, "the benches" [
i)/kria] clearly means "the theatre".
[4] Quotation unidentifiable, but apparently from a military narrative.
Bieber, M. The History of the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton, 1961, pp. 63-64. See also figs. 220, 229
Brockett, Oscar G., with Franklin J. Hildy. History of the Theatre 8th ed. Boston, London, etc. 1999, p. 35
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; chronology; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; stagecraft; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women
Translated by: Elizabeth Vandiver on 15 December 1999@09:05:21.
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