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Search results for iota,223 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,223
Translated headword: invoked with a cry
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] of [things] which happen with prayer, or of pestilential [events]; for Ieios [is] Apollo, to whom the purification of pestilences is offered.[1] Or because it is a refrain [sung] in common [to Apollo] and Artemis. Women utter such cries when they are in necessities, and they [Apollo and Artemis] hear the laments.
Sophocles [writes]: "the women do not endure the troubles which call for cries of 'ie'": that is, they do not survive their pains.
Greek Original:*)ihi/+wn: tw=n met' eu)xh=s ginome/nwn: h)\ tw=n loimikw=n: *)ih/i+os ga\r *)apo/llwn, ei)s o(\n h( a(gnei/a tw=n loimw=n a)nafe/retai: h)\ o(/ti e)pi/fqegma koino/n e)sti kai\ *)arte/midos. ai( de\ gunai=kes e)n tai=s a)na/gkais ta\s toiau/tas a)fia=si fwna/s. oi( de\ a)kou/ousi tw=n qrhnhtikw=n. *sofoklh=s: ou)de\ i)hi/+wn kama/twn a)ne/xousi gunai=kes. toute/stin ou) perigi/nontai tw=n po/nwn.
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Keywords: aetiology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; meter and music; religion; tragedy; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 21 March 2006@21:22:32.
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