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Adler number: iota,200
Translated headword: Hieronymos, Hieronymus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man was a tyrant.
Some of the historians who wrote about his overthrow have described exhaustively the terrible things that occurred in connection with his overthrow, saying, for instance, that no tyrant, not
Phalaris, not
Apollodorus,[1] not any other, was more harsh than he. He acquired power while still a child, then, after living no more than three or twelve months,[2] departed this life. It is possible that at that time one or two people were tortured and even some of his friends and other Syracusans killed, but it is not likely that there was a overarching excess of lawlessness or surpassing impiety. And it must be said that in his behavior he became especially erratic and abnormal, but not so as to make it worthwhile to compare him with any of the aforementioned tyrants. But it seems to me that those who write history in small bits, or when they take on strictly limited and narrow subjects, are compelled by the poverty of their material to make small things large and to compose a lot of verbiage about things that are unworthy of mention. Some even fall into traps very similar to these through sheer lack of discernment. How much more judicious it would be to divert someone who was filling out his scrolls and planning out the course of his narrative on these matters toward Hieron and Gelon,[3] and to leave Hieronymos out of it. For this is more pleasant for serious listeners and more useful in every respect for serious students.
Greek Original:*(ierw/numos: tu/rannos ge/gonen ou(=tos. tine\s de\ tw=n logogra/fwn tw=n u(pe\r th=s katastrofh=s au)tou= gegrafo/twn polu/n tina pepoi/hntai lo/gon kai\ tw=n deinw=n tw=n peri\ th\n katastrofh\n au)tou= sumba/ntwn, w(/ste mh/te *fa/larin mh/t' *)apollo/dwron mh/t' a)/llon mhde/na gegone/nai tu/rannon e)kei/nou pikro/teron. kai\ pai=s paralabw\n th\n a)rxh/n, ei)=ta mh=nas ou) plei/w triw=n h)\ dw/deka zh/sas meth/llace to\n bi/on. kata\ de\ to\n xro/non tou=ton e(/na me/n tina kai\ deu/teron e)streblw=sqai kai/ tinas tw=n fi/lwn kai\ tw=n a)/llwn *surakousi/wn a)pekta/nqai dunato/n, u(perbolh\n de\ gegone/nai paranomi/as kai\ parhllagme/nhn a)se/beian ou)k ei)ko/s. kai\ tw=| me\n tro/pw| diafero/ntws ei)kai=on au)to\n gegone/nai kai\ para/nomon fate/on, ou) mh\n ei)/s ge su/gkrisin a)kte/on ou)deni\ tw=n proeirhme/nwn tura/nnwn. a)lla/ moi dokou=sin oi( ta\s e)pi\ me/rous gra/fontes pra/ceis, e)peida\n u(poqe/seis eu)perilh/ptous u(posth/swntai kai\ stena/s, ptwxeu/ontes pragma/twn a)nagka/zesqai ta\ mikra\ mega/la poiei=n kai\ peri\ tw=n mhde\ mnh/mhs a)ci/wn pollou/s tinas diati/qesqai lo/gous. e)/nioi de\ kai\ di' a)krisi/an ei)s to\ paraplh/sion tou/tois e)mpi/ptousin. o(/sw| ga\r a)/n tis eu)logw/teron kai\ peri\ tau=ta to\n a)naplhrou=nta ta\s bi/blous kai\ to\n e)pimetrou=nta lo/gon th=s dihgh/sews ei)s *(ie/rwna kai\ *ge/lwna dia/goito, parei\s *(ierw/numon. kai\ ga\r toi=s filhko/ois h(di/wn ou(=tos kai\ toi=s filomaqe/si tw=| panti\ xrhsimw/teros.
After the initial clause, this entry is an approximation of
Polybius 7.7 (as preserved in Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
On Virtues and Vices 2.102.20-2.103.20). More precisely: the first part, from "Some of the historians..." down to "...departed this life" is a rather loose version of
Polybius 7.7.1-3; the rest is almost a verbatim copy.
Hieronymos was tyrant in Syracuse from 215 to 214 BCE; cf. Livy 24.4-5, and see the note to
iota 199 (and under
epsilon 2426).
[1] For
Phalaris, tyrant of
Akragas in the C6 BCE, see generally
phi 43. For Apollodoros, tyrant of Kassandreia in the C3 BCE, see e.g.
Diodorus Siculus 22.5.2 and other passages in F.W. Walbank,
Commentary on Polybius ii.40. Both were proverbial for their cruelty.
Polybius 7.1.3 says, more intelligibly, "thirteen months".
[3] "Good" Sicilian tyrants (of the early C5 BCE).
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: William Hutton on 12 October 2001@15:01:47.
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