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Adler number: iota,178
Translated headword: Hierokles, Hierocles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A philosopher, from Alexandria. This man, along with his unchanging and magnificent breadth in thought to an outstanding degree and excelling in eloquence and abundance of the most beautiful nouns and verbs, used to astound his audiences everywhere. He also had a disciple Theosebios, a man the equal of any whom we know in looking into the souls of men. The same Theosebios used to relate that Hierokles once said that Socrates'[1] words were like cubes: they were everywhere 'no-fall', no matter how they landed.[2] Of Hierokles' courage and high-mindedness the lot that befell him gave evidence. For when he went to
Byzantium he gave offense to those in power[3] and being led to trial he was beaten with the blows of men. As his blood flowed, dipping the hollow of his hand he sprinkled the judge, saying, "Cyclops, come, drink wine, since you eat the flesh of men."[4] But when he was condemned to exile and returned much later to Alexandria he taught his customary philosophy to those who approached. It is possible to learn the great-spirited wisdom of Hierokles from his writings, which he composed on
The Golden Verses of the Pythagoreans[5] and of other lengthy books
On Providence; in these the man appears high-minded in his way of life, but not accurate in his knowledge.
Greek Original:*(ieroklh=s, filo/sofos, *)alecandreu/s. ou(=tos meta\ tou= a)tre/ptou kai\ megaloprepou=s eu)/rous te th\n dia/noian ei)s u(perbolh\n kai\ diafe/rwn eu)glwtti/a| kai\ eu)pori/a| tw=n kalli/stwn o)noma/twn kai\ r(hma/twn kate/plhtte pantaxou= tou\s a)krowme/nous. h)=n de\ au)tw=| kai\ maqhth\s *qeose/bios, a)nh/r, ei)/per tis e(/teros w(=n h(mei=s i)/smen, ei)wqw\s a)poble/pein ei)s ta\s tw=n a)nqrw/pwn yuxa/s. e)/lege de\ o( au)to\s *qeose/bios e)chgou/menon fa/nai pote\ to\n *(ierokle/a, ku/bois e)oike/nai tou\s *swkra/tous lo/gous: a)ptw=tas ga\r ei)=nai pantaxou=, o(/ph| a)\n pe/swsi. tou= de\ *(ierokle/ous to\ a)ndrei=on kai\ megalo/qumon h)=qos a)pe/deicen h( sumba=sa tu/xh peri\ au)to/n. ei)s ga\r to\ *buza/ntion a)nelqw\n prose/krouse toi=s kratou=si kai\ ei)s dikasth/rion a)xqei\s e)tu/pteto ta\s e)c a)nqrw/pwn plhga/s. r(eo/menos de\ tw=| ai(/mati, ba/yas koi/lhn th\n xei=ra prosrai/nei to\n krith\n a(/ma le/gwn: ku/klwy, th=, pi/e oi)=non, e)pei\ fa/ges a)ndro/mea kre/a. fugh\n de\ katakriqei\s kai\ e)panelqw\n xro/nw| u(/steron ei)s *)aleca/ndreian sunefiloso/fei ta\ ei)wqo/ta toi=s plhsia/zousin. e)/cesti de\ maqei=n th\n *(ierokle/ous megalognw/mona fro/nhsin a)po\ tw=n suggramma/twn, w(=n ge/grafen ei)s ta\ *xrusa= e)/ph tw=n *puqagorei/wn kai\ e(te/rwn bibli/wn peri\ pronoi/as suxnw=n: e)n oi(=s fai/netai o( a)nh\r th\n me\n zwh\n u(yhlo/frwn, th\n de\ gnw=sin ou)k a)kribh/s.
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Keywords: athletics; biography; Christianity; epic; ethics; food; geography; imagery; law; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 18 January 2007@00:44:08.
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