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Adler number: iota,173
Translated headword: Jeroboam
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man built a palace in the city of Shechem and lived in it; he also built [a palace] in the city called Phanouel. Not much later when the festival of tabernacles was about to take place, he considered that if he allowed the multitude to travel to
Jerusalem to worship God and to spend the festival there, repenting and being captivated by the Temple and the service of God in it, they might abandon him and go over to the first king and [he] might risk (if this happened) losing his life: so he devised a scheme of this kind. Making two golden heifers and building shrines for each of them, one in the city of Bethel, the other in Dan (which is by the springs of the little Jordan), he set the heifers in each of the shrines in the cities and exhorted them to sacrifice to these.
Greek Original:*(ieroboa/m: ou(=tos kataskeua/sas basi/leion e)n *siki/mw| po/lei e)n tau/th| th\n di/aitan e)/sxe, kateskeu/ase de\ kai\ e)n *fanouh\l po/lei legome/nh|. met' ou) polu\ de\ th=s skhnophgi/as e(orth=s e)ni/stasqai mellou/shs, logisa/menos, w(s, e)a\n e)pistre/yh| tw=| plh/qei proskunh=sai to\n qeo\n ei)s *(ieroso/luma poreuqe/nti kai\ e)kei= th\n e(orth\n diagagei=n, metanoh=san i)/sws kai\ deleasqe\n u(po\ tou= naou= kai\ th=s qrhskei/as th=s e)n au)tw=| tou= qeou=, katalei/yei me\n au)to/n, prosxwrh/sei de\ tw=| prw/tw| basilei= kai\ kinduneu/sei tou/tou genome/nou th\n yuxh\n a)pobalei=n, e)pitexna=tai/ ti toiou=ton. du/o poih/sas dama/leis xrusa=s kai\ oi)kodomh/sas nai/+skous tosou/tous, e(/na me\n e)n *beqh\l po/lei, to\n de\ e(/teron e)n *da/mh| [h(/ e)sti pro\s tai=s phgai=s tou= mikrou= *)iorda/nou], ti/qhsi ta\s dama/leis e)n e(kate/rw| tw=n e)n tai=s po/lesi nai/+skwn kai\ parainei= au)tou\s qu=sai tau/tais.
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Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; history; religion; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 June 2006@01:21:29.
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