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Search results for iota,172 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,172
Translated headword: Jeroboam
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Brother of Gideon, had a great many wives, from whom he begot 70 sons and one from a concubine.[1]
[Note] that Jonathan going up into Garizin (which is translated as "holy mountain") by telling a parable revealed in advance the hatred that was going to occur with both Abimilech and his followers.[2]
[Note] that when Jeroboam conjectured that if the people went up into
Jerusalem to worship, he would turn them from rebellion to the lineage of
David by setting up two golden heifers, the one in Bethel and the other in the tribe of Dan, he commanded them to regard these as gods, who led their fathers out of the land of Egypt; and there he demanded that they worship avoiding
Jerusalem, with the pretext of the great journey, and he established priests as it happened, for he drove the Levites out to
Jerusalem, and arranged the same feasts as in the Temple. And the people being easily corruptible followed him not unwillingly.[3]
Greek Original:*(ieroboa/m, a)delfo\s *gedew/n, plei/stas ei)=xe gunai=kas, e)c w(=n ui(ou\s o# pepoi/hto kai\ e(/na e)k pallakh=s. o(/ti *)iwna/qan ei)s *garizi\n a)nelqw\n [o(/per a(/gion o)/ros e(rmhneu/etai] mu=qo/n tina dihghsa/menos proedh/lwse tou= te *)abime/lex kai\ tw=n u(phko/wn th\n me/llousan e)/xqran a)pobh/sesqai. o(/ti *(ieroboa\m u(ponoh/sas, ei) a)ne/rxoito o( lao\s ei)s *(ierousalh\m proskunh/swn, e)pistre/yein au)tou\s a)po\ th=s a)postasi/as e)pi\ to\ *dabi\d ge/nos, dama/leis du/o xrusa=s, th\n me\n e)n *beqh/l, th\n de\ e)n fulh=| *da\n a)naqei/s, e)ke/leue tou/tous h(gei=sqai qeou/s, oi(\ e)ch/gagon tou\s pate/ras e)k gh=s *ai)gu/ptou: ka)ntau=qa proskunei=n e)dikai/ou paraitoume/nous *(ierousalh/m, profa/sei porei/as th=s pollh=s: i(erei=s te w(s e)/tuxen e)pe/sthse: tou\s ga\r *leui/tas e)ce/wsen ei)s *(ierousalh/m, e(orta\s de\ ta\s au)ta\s e)/tace tai=s e)n tw=| naw=|. kai\ o( lao\s eu)dia/fqoros w)\n e)chkolou/qhsen ou)k a)/kwn.
See also
iota 173.
[1] According to
Judges 8.30, the seventy-one sons were Gideon's.
[2] See
alpha 45: the name should be Joatham [
*)iwa/qam]. Mt. Garizin is also mentioned at
gamma 67.
[3] cf.
iota 173.
Keywords: biography; children; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; imagery; religion; trade and manufacture; women; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 June 2006@19:12:29.
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