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Search results for iota,16 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,16
Translated headword: Iakkhos, Iacchus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] Dionysos at the breast. And a certain hero; and the song for him; and the day on which the feast for him [is held]. But some [say the word means] also a tumult.[1]
"The mystical Iacchus was heard at the naval battle of Persians and Greeks".[2]
So *)iakxos [comes] from [the verb] i)a/kxw ["I shout"].[3]
"And also the Iacchus was heard from the Areian plain, having hymns and songs sung to him".[4]
Greek Original:*)/iakxos: *dio/nusos e)pi\ tw=| mastw=|. kai\ h(/rws tis: kai\ h( e)p' au)tw=| w)|dh/: kai\ h( h(me/ra, kaq' h(\n ei)s au)to\n h( panh/guris. e)/nioi de\ kai\ qo/rubos. o(/ te mustiko\s *)/iakxos h)kou/sqh kata\ th\n naumaxi/an *persw=n kai\ *(ellh/nwn. *)/iakxos ou)=n para\ to\ i)a/kxw. kai\ me/ntoi kai\ o( *)/iakxos h)kou/sqh e)k tou= *)arei/ou pedi/ou, u(mnou/meno/s te kai\ a)|do/menos.
iota 11,
iota 15.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica; see the references at
Photius iota3 Theodoridis.
Aelian fr. 270a Domingo-Forasté (272 Hercher). He is referring to the battle of
Salamis (480 BCE); cf.
Herodotus 8.65.1 for this detail.
[3] Also spelled
i)a/xw or
i)axw=: cf.
Etymologicum Magnum 462.48.
Aelian fr. 270b Domingo-Forasté (272 Hercher again); 'Areian' should be Thriasian (
theta 495).
Keywords: children; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 February 2008@01:28:42.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 6 February 2008@04:29:30.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 6 February 2008@08:43:25.
Catharine Roth (updated references in notes 2 and 4) on 6 September 2011@00:29:29.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr and notes; another keyword; cosmetics) on 8 January 2013@04:29:56.
David Whitehead (x-ref) on 26 April 2016@03:46:40.
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