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Adler number: iota,159
Translated headword: priest-craft, religion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Priest-craft] and philosophy do not originate from the same sources. But philosophy coming down from the one cause of all things to the foundation of [material] beings, through the middle of all kinds [of things], both the divine and those which along with the gods are more powerful and appear, as they say, on the third step [...].[1] For nothing is one among those things which have been declared universally by the philosophers on both sides, so that the harmonization would be easy for one who wishes to reconcile the [philosophy] of the Greeks with the Egyptians.[2] But [it is said that] priest-craft, which is the service of the gods, originates from somewhere among the causes within the cosmos, and concerns itself with these matters, of souls concerning immortality, because the same things are also stated in Egyptian philosophy; both of their innumerable diverse allotments in Hades separated according to virtue and wickedness, and of the innumerable changes in life, as they dwell at different times in different bodies and kinds of animals and plants. The Egyptians were the first to state these [beliefs] in their philosophy; for the Pythagoreans brought each of these from the Egyptians to the Greeks.[3]
Greek Original:*(ieratikh\ kai\ filosofi/a ou)k a)po\ tw=n au)tw=n a)/rxontai a)rxw=n. a)ll' h( me\n filosofi/a a)po\ th=s mia=s tw=n pa/ntwn ai)ti/as ei)s th\n u(posta/qmhn tw=n o)/ntwn kaqh/kousa, dia\ me/swn tw=n o(/lwn genw=n, qei/wn te kai\ tw=n meta\ qeou\s kreitto/nwn kai\ e)n tri/tw|, fasi/, bh/mati fainome/nwn. e(\n ga\r ou)de/n e)sti tw=n kaqo/lou proeirhme/nwn toi=s e(kate/rwqi filoso/fois, w(/ste kai\ r(a|di/an ei)=nai th\n e)farmogh\n tw=| boulome/nw| prosarmo/ttein toi=s *ai)gupti/ois ta\ tw=n *(ellh/nwn. th\n de\ i(eratikh/n, h(/ e)sti qew=n qerapei/a, e)nteu=qe/n poqen a)po\ tw=n perikosmi/wn ai)tiw=n a)/rxesqai kai\ peri\ tau=ta pragmateu/esqai, yuxw=n peri\ a)qanasi/as, o(/ti kata\ ta\ au)ta\ kai\ *ai)gupti/ois filosofei=tai: tw=n te e)n a(/|dou muri/wn lh/cewn pantoi/wn pro\s a)reth\n kai\ kaki/an a)fwrisme/nwn, e)/ti tw=n peri\ to\n bi/on muri/wn metabolw=n, w(s a)/llote e)n a)/llois sw/masin h)\ ge/nesin zw/|wn kai\ futw=n diatribousw=n. *ai)gu/ptioi de\ tau=ta/ ei)sin oi( prw=toi filosofou=ntes: a)po\ ga\r tw=n *ai)gupti/wn e(/kasta tou/twn oi( *puqago/reioi e)ch/negkan ei)s tou\s *(/ellhnas.
Life of Isidore fr. 3 Zintzen (232 Asmus).
[1] A Neoplatonic reference to the emanations of being from the One down to the level of matter. The sentence seems incomplete.
[2] Greek and Egyptian philosophy evidently cannot be reconciled.
[3] Greek religion has borrowed some beliefs from Egypt, including the idea of metempsychosis.
Keywords: aetiology; botany; chronology; definition; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 27 May 2006@23:55:31.
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