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Search results for iota,133 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,133
Translated headword: expert
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one who is] experienced.[1]
From i)/dw, i)/sw.[2] Also i)/dios, one who shares knowledge with us.[3] From its future [comes] i)/stwr.[4] And ei)dh/mwn [comes] from ei)dw=, ei)dh/sw.[5] From ei)/dw also come ei)/sw, ei)=sos and i)=sos.[6] For properly i)=sos is one who is similar to someone.[7]
Greek Original:*)/idris: e)/mpeiros. a)po\ tou= i)/dw, i)/sw. kai\ i)/dios, o( e)n gnw/sei h(mi=n w)/n. para\ to\n me/llonta au)tou= i)/stwr. kai\ ei)dh/mwn a)po\ tou= ei)dw=, ei)dh/sw. gi/netai de\ kai\ a)po\ tou= ei)/dw, ei)/sw, ei)=sos kai\ i)=sos. kuri/ws ga\r i)=sos e)sti\n o( o(/moio/s tini.
[1] Same or similar glossing in other lexica (see the references at
Photius iota32 Theodoridis); and cf.
iota 124 and esp.
iota 131.
[2] A grammarian's back-formation from the aorist
[3] An attempt to make an etymological connection between
i)/dios and the root
[4] This derivation from the hypothetical future
i)/sw is not necessary, as *
wid-tōr gives
[5] cf.
epsiloniota 31;
ei)dw= is attested as the subjunctive of the perfect
oi)=da "know", and
ei)dh/sw as future indicative of
*ei)/dw is a variant of
ei)dw=; the future of
oi)=da is
ei)/somai with middle forms. The adjective form
e)/i+sos (3 syllables) occurs in epic.
[7] cf.
iota 604,
iota 662.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 March 2006@18:31:11.
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