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Adler number: iota,13
Translated headword: Iacobos, Jacob
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A physician. He derived his lineage from Damascus. Reaching the greatest precision in science he was accomplished not only in diagnosing diseases but also in curing them, [working] carefully and competently, [having learned] both from reading and from experience. Thus he attained the first place in medical reputation among the physicians of his time, and was even compared with the ancients, and surpassed many of them. As if having a godlike power he was loved and venerated by those who besought him. He was so confident in himself and in judgment by his own methods that if, going to a sick person and diagnosing by the symptoms, he declared that the patient was likely to live, everyone became hopeful that health would ensue; but if not, that death [would follow]. And noone ever was deceived in his expectation. He himself said that the best physician should either despair of the disease or by touching at once change the patient for the better, and leave him in a tolerable condition. Otherwise he should not depart before [sc. this happened]. He relieved nearly everyone from their troublesome afflictions immediately or a little later. For this reason the others[1] used to call Jacob "savior", as formerly they also [called] Asklepios.[2] But the physicians always used to slander and revile him, as not being any kind of physician but a holy man beloved of the gods; and they were not mistaken. For the man was gentle and truly favored by the god. If it is right to use the expression of the philosopher, he thought that Jacob's soul was Asclepiadian, and his nature Apollonian. In addition he took loving care of his pursuit, which particularly tends to associate all practitioners and attach them to the overseers of the art. Thus Pheidias too[3] [was said] to do his work under divine inspiration, thus also Zeuxis[4] portrayed his statues.
Greek Original:*)ia/kwbos, i)atro/s. a)po\ *damaskou= ei(=lke to\ ge/nos kai\ e)s to\ a)kribe/staton a)naba\s th=s e)pisth/mhs te/leios h)=n, ou) diaginw/skwn mo/non ta\s no/sous, a)lla\ kai\ i)w/menos, o(mou= me\n kata\ to\n lo/gon, o(mou= de\ kata\ th\n pei=ran, e)pimelw=s te kai\ i(kanw=s: w(/ste ta\ prwtei=a th=s i)atrikh=s eu)klei/as a)pene/gkasqai tw=n kaq' e(auto\n i)atrw=n, paraba/llesqai de\ h)/dh pro\s tou\s a)rxai/ous, u(perba/llein de\ au)tw=n tou/s ge plei/ous: oi(=a de\ e)/xonta du/namin i)so/qeon a)gapa=sqai kai\ proskunei=sqai u(po\ tw=n deome/nwn: ou(/tw de\ qarrei=n e)f' e(autw=| kai\ e)pi\ th=| kri/sei tw=n oi)kei/wn meqo/dwn, w(/ste ei) a)pelqw\n pro\s to\n a)/rrwston kai\ toi=s shmei/ois to\ no/shma diagnou\s a)pefh/nato biw/simon ei)=nai to\n a)/nqrwpon, eu)e/lpidas gi/nesqai pa/ntas, w(s u(gei/as e)some/nhs: ei) de\ mh\ w(s teleuth=s: kai\ mhde/na pw/pote tw=n e)lpi/dwn diayeusqh=nai. e)/lege de\ o( au)to/s, xrh=nai to\n a)/riston i)atro\n h)/toi a)pognw=nai th=s no/sou h)\ a(ya/menon eu)qu\s ei)s r(a=|on metabalei=n to\n nosou=nta kai\ e)/xonta metriw/teron a)polei/pein: a)/llws de\ mh\ a)posth=nai pro/teron. pa/ntas de\ w(s ei)pei=n a)ph/llatte tw=n e)noxlou/ntwn paqw=n parauti/ka h)\ mikro\n u(/steron. dio/per oi( me\n a)/lloi swth=ra to\n *)ia/kwbon a)peka/loun, oi(=a/ pote kai\ to\n *)asklhpio/n: oi( de\ i)atroi\ die/ballon a)ei\ kai\ e)loido/roun, w(s oi(=o/n tina ou)k i)atro/n, a)lla\ qeofilh= tina kai\ i(ero/n: kai\ ou)k e)yeu/donto. h)=n ga\r e)pieikh\s o( a)nh\r kai\ qew=| tw=| o)/nti kexarisme/nos. ei) de\ dei= to\ tou= filoso/fou ei)pei=n, *)asklhpiadikh\n w)/|eto th\n tou= *)iakw/bou yuxh\n kai\ kata\ fu/sin *paiw/neion: prosei=nai de\ kai\ th\n e)rwtikh\n tou= e)pithdeu/matos e)pime/leian, h(\ ma/lista filei= tou\s texni/tas e(ka/stous oi)keiou=n kai\ prosa/gein toi=s e)fo/rois th=s te/xnhs. ou(/tw kai\ *feidi/an e)nqousiw=nta dhmiourgei=n, ou(/tw kai\ *zeu=cin ei)ka/zein ta\ a)ga/lmata.
Life of Isidore fr.190 Zintzen (120 Asmus); cf.
Photius Bibliotheca p. 344a 5ff. See also
iota 12.
[1] sc. other than doctors, as explained below.
[2] For Asklepios see generally under
alpha 4173.
[3] Pheidias:
phi 246.
[4] Zeuxis:
zeta 38.
Keywords: art history; biography; ethics; geography; medicine; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 July 2006@12:08:23.
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