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Search results for iota,114 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,114
Translated headword: private guest-friend
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] one who is a guest-friend by himself in private. But a
proxenos is one newly arrived from a foreign city, to whom the ambassadors are conducted. And this man introduces the embassies to the public officials and arranges and manages the other matters in his own country, which differ from those in that city for which he serves as
proxenos. But a
doruxenos is a man who because of war has become a guest-friend to someone; and an
astoxenos is one whose ancestors were fellow-citizens, but he himself is a stranger and needs renewal [of rights]; like Agamemnon in
Appian [writes]: "the general, having learned from private guest-friends, reported to [sc. King] Hostilius [...]."[2]
Greek Original:*)idio/cenos: o( i)di/a| kaq' e(auto\n ce/nos w)/n: pro/cenos de\ o( ne/hlus po/lews ce/nhs, par' w(=| kai\ oi( pre/sbeis kata/gontai: kai\ prosa/gei ta\s presbei/as ou(=tos pro\s to\ dhmo/sion kai\ ta\ a)/lla dioikei= kai\ diapra/ttei e)n th=| patri/di th=| e(autou=, ta\ th=| po/lei e)kei/nh| diafe/ronta, h(=s procenei=. doru/cenos de\ o( e)k pole/mou ce/nos gegonw/s tini: a)sto/cenos de\ o( e)k progo/nwn me\n a)stw=n, au)to\s de\ ce/nos kai\ a)nanew/sews deo/menos: oi(=on *)agame/mnwn e)n *ludi/a|. *)appiano/s: o( de\ strathgo\s ai)sqo/menos par' i)dioce/nwn e)ch/ggeilen *(ostili/w|.
Keywords: biography; constitution; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; mythology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 May 2006@23:21:45.
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