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Search results for gamma,99 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,99
Translated headword: Gideon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Judge of Israel, he smote Midian with those who had stood out in the drinking[1] and also Oreb and Zeeb and Zebah and Zalmunna their leaders; and he tore down the fortress of Peniel, and he drove in the thorn-bushes their leaders who had oppressed Israel for 7 years.[2]
Greek Original:*gedew/n, krith\s tou= *)israh\l, e)pa/tace to\n *madia\m meta\ tw=n lamya/ntwn e)n tw=| pi/nein kai\ to\n *)wrh\b kai\ *zh\b kai\ *zebee\ kai\ *salmwna\n tou\s a)/rxontas au)tw=n: to/n te pu/rgon tou= *fanouh\l kate/streye kai\ tou\s a)/rxontas au)tw=n h)lo/hsen e)n tai=s a)ka/nqais qli/yantas to\n *)israh\l e)/th z#.
George the Monk,
Chronicon 1.147.11-16.
[1] See
gamma 98 (and cf.
Judges 7.5-8
[2] cf.
Judges 7.25; 8.16-17, 21.
Keywords: biography; botany; Christianity; chronology; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 June 2002@18:50:22.
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