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Search results for gamma,78 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,78
Translated headword: haughty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "But he, being a haughty man and arrogant and habituated to military campaigns and regarding the principal good in human affairs [to be] honor and fame and overflowing wealth, and to possess for himself whatever he might wish, and impudently not to know whether it is day or night because of drunkenness nor whether the sun is rising or setting, considering that the disposition of the sky is the same, having torn himself away from diverse harmless pastimes into negligence and torturing his spirit for his love of reputation, he struck out resolutely from
Pamphylia and was turning back [towards
Timasios: this was the man whom Eutropios brought.[2]
Greek Original:*gau=ros: o( de\ gau=ro/s te w)\n a)nh\r kai\ a)ge/rwxos kai\ stratei/ais w(milhkw\s kai\ tou=to prw=ton a)gaqo\n h(gou/menos, to\ e)n a)nqrw/pois timh\n kai\ do/can kai\ plou=ton e)piklu/zonta kai\ to\ e)/xein e(autw=| o(/ti bou/loito kexrh=sqai kai\ a)dew=s dia\ me/qhn nu/kta kai\ h(me/ran ou)k ei)de/nai ou)/te a)nate/llonta kai\ duo/menon h(/lion, i)/sa kai\ ou)ranou= ei)=nai nomi/sas th\n meta/klhsin, e)k tw=n a)lu/pwn kai\ diakexume/nwn ei)s o)ligwri/an diatribw=n a)porrh/cas e(auto\n kai\ katatei/nas th\n yuxh\n ei)s filodoci/an baru\s a)nasta\s e)k *pamfuli/as a)ne/strefe. *tima/sios: ou(=tos h)=n, o(\n *eu)tro/pios h)/gagen.
For the headword adjective see already
gamma 77, and cf. generally
gamma 75,
gamma 76.
Eunapius fr. 70 FHG (4.44-5); cf. next note.
[2] From
tau 597, where this same fragment of
Eunapius (on Timasios) reappears. See the fuller notes (and bibliography) there.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2003@02:56:58.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (supplied headword; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 5 June 2003@03:33:31.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 4 December 2005@09:15:13.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; more keywords) on 4 June 2012@09:27:31.
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