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Search results for gamma,7 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,7
Translated headword: Gadeira, Gades, Cadiz
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A place in the western part [of the world], the very end of the sea, a sort of outlet between our sea and the Atlantic sea, the ocean, which it was not possible to sail out through because it was rough and dark.[1] Gadeira [takes its name] from "ga" [earth] and "deira" [neck]. When Heracles had come as far as this and could not sail through, he acquired some slabs from the natives and set them up, using them to indicate that up to that point the land and sea were passable.[2]
Gadarene: [someone] from a place [sc. of that name].[3]
Greek Original:*ga/deira: to/pos kata\ th\n e(speri/an moi=ran, a)poteleu/thsis th=s qala/sshs kai\ oi(=on e)kroh\ a)po\ th=s pro\s h(ma=s kai\ th\n *)atlanti/da qa/lassan, to\n w)keano\n, h(\n diekpleu=sai ou)k e)nh=n braxw/dh kai\ skotoeidh= tugxa/nousan. *ga/deira de\ para\ th\n gh=n kai\ th\n deirh\n, o(/ e)sti tra/xhlos. me/xri tou=ton e)lqw\n o( *(hraklh=s kai\ mh\ duna/menos dielqei=n sth/las para\ tw=n e)gxwri/wn labw\n i(dru/sato, dhlw=n di' au)tw=n a)/xri tw=n th=|de bath\n ei)=nai th\n gh=n kai\ th\n qa/lassan. *gadarhno/s, a)po\ to/pou.
On the city (present-day Cadiz; Barrington Atlas map 26, grid D5), see generally OCD(4) 597, s.v. Gades.
The main paragraph of the present entry resembles a scholion to Gregory of Nazianzus PG 36.1055-6; Adler also cites
Anecdota Graeca (Oxon., Cramer) 2.189.13.
[1] This subordinate clause reappears at
omega 44. Cadiz is not on the strait described here (i.e. the Strait of Gibraltar), but is the first major city one reaches to the west of the strait on the European side.
[2] For the pillars of Heracles (i.e. the headlands on either side of the strait), see also
eta 464.
[3] Apparently not, however, from Gadeira, ethnika of which attested elsewhere are Gadeireus and Gadeirites. Rather, from
Gadara in Phoenicia: e.g. the Gadarene demoniacs at
Matthew 8.28. See also
gamma 188.
Keywords: architecture; art history; Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; mythology; science and technology
Translated by: Anne Mahoney on 27 March 1999@18:26:31.
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