A proper name.
*gri/os: o)/noma ku/rion.
Same entry, according to Adler, in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (545). The name of a hero, according to Herodian,
On Prosody [
Grammatici Graeci 3,1] 110.18 (accented
*Gri=os there); possibly, then, an error for Grinos/Grinnos, mentioned in
Herodotus 4.150.2-3 as a (legendary?) king of Thera, who received the oracle telling him to found the colony Cyrene in North
Africa. Otherwise unknown.
A mountain or mountain range Grion is described by
Strabo, east of Miletus and overshadowing
Mylasa (14.1.8, cf. 14.2.23).
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