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Adler number: gamma,452
Translated headword: Gregorios, Gregorius, Gregory
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Gregory,] also [called] Theodore, the Wonderworker, bishop of Neocaesarea in Pontus. As a quite young man, for the sake of education in Greek and Roman literature he went from Cappadocia to Berytos [Beirut] and from there to
Caesarea in Palestine along with his brother
Athenodorus.[1] They became personal followers of
Origen,[2] who was partly responsible for introducing them to the Christian faith. After studying with him for five years they were sent back to their homeland; for which reason while Gregory was away from home he wrote a panegyric of thanksgiving to
Origen, and summoning all his countrymen, in the presence of
Origen himself, he recited this speech, which is extant up to the present time. He also wrote a
Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes, a very short but very marvelous work.[3] And he composed many other letters and discourses of various kinds, as well as performing signs and miracles beyond human power, when he became bishop. He died in the reign of Aurelian.
Gregory and
Athenodorus [were] relatives, but one was a miracle-worker, the other a sophist.[4]
He also wrote a discourse on incarnation and faith.
Greek Original:*grhgo/rios, o( kai\ *qeo/dwros, o( *qaumatourgo\s, *neokaisarei/as th=s e)n tw=| *po/ntw| e)pi/skopos, ne/os komidh=| dia\ th\n pai/deusin *(ellhnikw=n te kai\ *(rwmai+kw=n gramma/twn a)po\ th=s *kappadoki/as ei)s *bhruto\n ka)kei=qen ei)s *kaisa/reian th\n th=s *palaisti/nhs die/bh a(/ma *)aqhnodw/rw| a)delfw=|: ou(\s kai\ kata\ me/ros ei)s th\n tou= *xristou= pi/stin ei)sa/gwn *)wrige/nhs zhlwta\s i)di/ous kate/sthsen. e)pi\ pe/nte toi/nun par' au)tou= paideuqe/ntes e)niautou\s pro\s th\n patri/da a)pope/mpontai: a)f' ou(= o( *grhgo/rios a)podhmw=n panhguriko\n eu)xaristi/as tw=| *)wrige/nei e)/graye lo/gon, kai\ sugkalesa/menos pa/ntas tou\s e)pixwri/ous au)tou= te tou= *)wrige/nous paro/ntos, tou=ton a)ne/gnw to\n lo/gon, o(/stis a)/xri tou= paro/ntos u(pa/rxei: e)/graye de\ kai\ *meta/frasin ei)s to\n *)ekklhsiasth/n, e)la/xiston me/n, pa/nu de\ qaumasto\n lo/gon: kai\ a)/llas te polla\s kai\ poiki/las e)pistola\s kai\ lo/gous sunegra/yato, poih/sas te shmei=a kai\ qau/mata u(pe\r a)/nqrwpon, h(ni/ka e)pi/skopos e)tu/gxanen. e)teleu/thsen e)pi\ *au)rhlianou=. o(/ti *grhgo/rios kai\ *)aqhno/dwros sunai/mones: a)ll' o( me\n teratourgo/s, o( de\ sofisth/s. e)/graye de\ kai\ peri\ sarkw/sews kai\ pi/stews lo/gon.
cf. Jerome,
On famous men (in Greek translation) 75.
Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
Select bibliography below, contributed by Michael Slusser.
[1] For
Athenodorus see briefly under
alpha 734.
Origen of Alexandria:
omega 182,
omega 183.
[3] English translations of the
Panegyric on Origen and the
Metaphrase of Ecclesiastes from the Ante-Nicene Fathers are available at web address 2.
Athenodorus is so classified at
alpha 734.
St. Gregory Thaumaturgus: Life and Works. Translated by Michael Slusser. "Fathers of the Church 98." Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1998
Grégoire le Thaumaturge. Remerciement à Origène, suivi de la Lettre d'Origène à Grégoire. Edited and translated by Henri Crouzel. Sources chrétiennes 148. Paris: Cerf, 1969
Gregorio il Taumaturgo. Discorso a Origene: Una pagina di pedagogia cristiana. Traduzione introduzione e note a cura di Eugenio Marotta. Roma: Città Nuova Editrice, 1983
Jarick, John. Gregory Thaumaturgos' Paraphrase of Ecclesiastes. Septuagint and Cognate Studies 29. Atlanta: Scholars Press 1990
Gregorius Nyssenus. De Vita Gregorii Thaumaturgi. Edited by Gunther Heil. Gregorii Nysseni Sermones, Pars II. Gregorii Nysseni Opera X 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1990
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; geography; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 January 2002@19:36:11.
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