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Search results for gamma,427 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,427
Translated headword: Gratian, Gratianus, Gratianos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He, when he heard of the demise of his uncle Valens,[1] immediately pointed Rome in an easterly direction, and condemning the savagery of his uncle Valens against the Christians, he quickly recalled some of them who had been exiled by that man, restoring their property to them and compensating them for the injuries they had suffered. He introduced a law allowing all to gather in their own churches free from fear and harrassment, forbidding from the places of worship only Eunomians, Photinians, Manichaeans.[2]
In the promenade stand monuments on horseback of Gratian and Valentinian and
Theodosius and the hunchback Firmilianus as a joke.[3]
Greek Original:*gratiano/s: ou(=tos w(s e)pu/qeto th\n tou= *ou)a/lentos tou= qei/ou teleuth\n, au)ti/ka pro\s th\n e(w/|an *(rw/mhn die/qei kai\ katagnou\s th=s tou= qei/ou *ou)a/lentos th=s peri\ tou\s *xristianou\s w)mo/thtos tou\s me\n u(p' e)kei/nou e)corisqe/ntas dia\ taxe/wn a)nekalei=to, ou)si/as te au)toi=s a)podidou\s kai\ qerapeu/wn ta\s bla/bas: pa=si/ te no/mon parei=xen a)dew=s kai\ a)dhri/tws e)n tai=s i)di/ais e)kklhsi/ais suna/gesqai, mo/nous de\ tw=n eu)kthri/wn ei)/rgesqai *eu)nomianou\s, *fwteinianou\s, *manixai/ous. o(/ti e)n tw=| peripa/tw| e)/fippoi sth=lai i(/stanto *gratianou= kai\ *ou)alentinianou= kai\ *qeodosi/ou kai\ kurtou= *firmilianou= pro\s ge/lwta.
Emperor 367-383 CE. See web address 1 for the biography of Gratian by Walter E. Roberts on the
De imperatoribus romanis site.
[1] For whom see generally
omicron 764.
[2] John of
Antioch fr.185 FHG (4.608), now 278 Roberto. For Eunomians see
epsilon 3598; for Photinians,
phi 679; for Manichaeans,
mu 147,
mu 149,
mu 154.
[3] ps.-Codinus,
Patria Constantinopoleos 2.76 (Preger,
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 190.6-9); cf.
sigma 1084,
phi 470.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; Christianity; daily life; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 July 2003@10:42:28.
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