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Search results for gamma,397 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,397
Translated headword: Gorgos, Gorgus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Messenian, was second to none of the Messenians in wealth and birth,[1] and by his athletic achievements in his prime became the most celebrated of the competitors for the crown in gymnastic contests. Indeed, in his appearance and in the splendour of his general mode of life, besides the quantity of the crowns [he had won],[2] he was second to none of his contemporaries. What is more, when he had given up athletics and turned to politics and the service of his country, he acquired in this sphere too a reputation not inferior to his previous one, appearing to be very far removed from the characteristic struggling of athletes;[3] instead, he was thought to be very able and intelligent in his political doings.
Greek Original:*go/rgos, o( *messh/nios, ou)deno\s h)=n deu/teros *messhni/wn plou/tw| kai\ ge/nei, dia\ de\ th\n a)/qlhsin kata\ th\n a)kmh\n pa/ntwn e)ndoco/tatos e)gego/nei tw=n peri\ tou\s gumnikou\s a)gw=nas filostefanou/ntwn. kai\ ga\r kata\ th\n e)pifa/neian kai\ kata\ th\n tou= loipou= bi/ou prostasi/an, e)/ti de\ kata\ to\ plh=qos tw=n stefa/nwn, ou)deno\s e)lei/peto tw=n kaq' au(to/n. kai\ mh\n o(/te katalu/sas th\n a)/qlhsin e)pi\ to\ politeu/esqai kai\ to\ pra/ttein ta\ th=s patri/dos w(/rmhse, kai\ peri\ tou=to to\ me/ros ou)k e)la/ttw do/can e)fe/reto th=s pro/teron u(parxou/shs au)tw=|, plei=ston me\n a)pe/xein dokw=n th=s toi=s a)qlhtai=s parepome/nhs a)gwni/as, praktikw/tatos de\ kai\ nounexe/statos ei)=nai nomizo/menos peri\ th\n politei/an.
Polybius 7.10.2-5. Time: c.215 BCE. See also
iota 626.
[1] Perhaps a descendant of Gorgos the son of the Messenian-War hero
Aristomenes (for whom see
Pausanias 4.19.4; Web address 1).
[2] For Gorgos as an Olympic pentathlon victor see
Pausanias 6.14.11 (Web address 2).
[3] Editors of
Polybius have replaced
a)gwni/as - physical struggle or mental anguish - here with
a)nagwgi/as, "boorishness, vulgarity" (Toup); the note in Walbank collects evidence for this commonplace.
F.W.Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, ii (Oxford 1967) p.57.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: athletics; biography; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 5 August 2001@08:00:19.
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