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Headword: *gorgo/nh
Adler number: gamma,392
Translated headword: Gorgon
Vetting Status: high
Aristophanes [writes]: "and he roused Gorgon out of his shield.'[1] As if he was saying, allegorically, [Lamachos] gave himself a bump on the head. For wishing to say "and from the impact he gave himself a lump", he said "he roused Gorgon".
And Aelian [writes]: "and they were pressing him hard, bringing forward and challenging the Gorgon out of him, so to speak, [and] they completely silenced [this man], otherwise demonstrative and bold".[2] He is speaking about Diopeithes the Athenian, who introduced a law that a person from the town [sc. Athens] staying in Peiraeus should suffer the death-penalty. Then on one occasion this man was through no fault of his own kept late and stayed over in Peiraeus and his enemies brought him to justice.[3] Because of this [Aelian] speaks of "challenging [the] Gorgon".
And the same writer [i.e. Aristophanes] when mocking Morsimos and Melanthios says 'Gorgons', meaning fearsome in their gluttony.[4]
Greek Original:
*gorgo/nh: *)aristofa/nhs: kai\ *gorgo/n' e)ch/geiren e)k th=s a)spi/dos. w(sei\ e)/legen, oi)/dhma e)poi/hsen e)pi\ th=s kefalh=s: par' u(po/noian. qe/lwn ga\r ei)pei=n, kai\ a)po\ th=s plhgh=s kordu/lhn e)poi/hsen, e)/fh, *gorgo/na e)ch/geire. kai\ *ai)liano/s: kai\ e)ne/keinto au)tw=| th\n e)c au)tou= profe/rontes, kai\ prosio/ntes w(s ei)pei=n *gorgo/na katesi/gasan a)/llws pro/lalon o)/nta kai\ i)tamo/n. le/gei de\ peri\ *diopei/qous tou= *)aqhnai/ou, o(\s no/mon ei)sa/gei, to\n a)po\ tou= a)/steos e)n *peiraiei= mei/nanta, tou=ton teqna/nai. ou(=tos ou)=n w)yi/sqh pote\ a)/kwn kai\ kate/meinen e)n tw=| *peiraiei=, kai\ au)to\n oi( e)xqroi\ ei)s di/khn u(pa/gousi. dia\ tou=to le/gei, prosio/ntes *gorgo/na. kai\ skw/ptwn o( au)to\s *mo/rsimon kai\ *mela/nqio/n fhsi. *gorgo/nes, a)nti\ tou= foberoi\ ei)s gastrimargi/an.
[1] Aristophanes, Acharnians 1181 (web address 1), with comment from the scholia there. The allusion is to the general Lamachos (lambda 81), who roused to action the Gorgon embossed on his shield not by the din of battle (cf. line 574) but by falling into a ditch.
[2] Aelian fr. 22b Domingo-Forasté (22 Hercher); cf. pi 2493.
[3] See delta 1188 and notes there; also omega 293.
[4] From the scholia to Aristophanes, Peace 810 (web address 2), where the quoted word is used. Melanthios and Morsimos were would-be tragic poets. See alpha 4264, eta 358, mu 457, mu 1260, mu 1261, sigma 161, phi 378, psi 176. [Adler's punctuation, with a full stop after fhsi, is ignored here.]
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; history; law; military affairs; mythology; poetry; tragedy; women
Translated by: Tony Natoli on 28 June 2003@23:45:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added x-ref and note number; other cosmetics) on 29 June 2003@03:56:34.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 June 2012@08:42:41.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 16 September 2012@01:50:20.
Catharine Roth (updated reference) on 5 October 2012@01:23:33.


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