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Search results for gamma,391 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,391
Translated headword: Tithrasian Gorgons
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Tithrasos [is a] river, or a location in Libya, where the Gorgons resided.
Greek Original:*gorgo/nes *tiqra/siai: *ti/qrasos potamo\s, h)\ to/pos *libu/hs, e)/nqa ai( *gorgo/nes die/tribon.
From the
scholia to
Frogs 477, where the headword phrase occurs, as TEIthrasian gorgons. The spelling is important, because Teithras was an Attic deme (and evidently one with prodigiously ugly women). Cf.
tau 579 (where this fact is registered),
tau 1124.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; geography; mythology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 July 2002@13:17:47.
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