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Search results for gamma,365 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,365
Translated headword: sorcery, wizardry
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] magic.
Sorcery [
gohtei/a] and magic [
magei/a] and witchcraft [
farmakei/a] differ; Medes and Persians discovered them. So magic is of course invocation of beneficent spirits for the production of something good, like the oracles of Apollonius of
Tyana.[1] But sorcery [refers] to raising a dead person by invocation, whence [the word] is derived from the wailing [
go/oi] and lamentations which are made at burials. But [the word] witchcraft [is used] when some death-dealing concoction is given as a potion by mouth to someone.[2]
Magic and astrology began with Magousaeans, for the Persians are called Magog by their countrymen.
Also [sc. attested is] Magouseans, the same people.[3]
lso [sc. attested is the related verb]
gohteu/w ["I bewitch"]; [used] with an accusative.
Greek Original:*gohtei/a: magei/a. gohtei/a kai\ magei/a kai\ farmakei/a diafe/rousin: a(/per e)feu=ron *mh=doi kai\ *pe/rsai. magei/a me\n ou)=n e)stin e)pi/klhsis daimo/nwn a)gaqopoiw=n dh=qen pro\s a)gaqou= tinos su/stasin, w(/sper ta\ tou= *)apollwni/ou tou= *tuane/ws qespi/smata. gohtei/a de\ e)pi\ tw=| a)na/gein nekro\n di' e)piklh/sews, o(/qen ei)/rhtai a)po\ tw=n go/wn kai\ tw=n qrh/nwn tw=n peri\ tou\s ta/fous ginome/nwn. farmakei/a de\, o(/tan dia/ tinos skeuasi/as qanathfo/rou pro\s fi/ltron doqh=| tini dia\ sto/matos. magei/a de\ kai\ a)strologi/a a)po\ *magousai/wn h)/rcato: oi( ga/r toi *pe/rsai *magw\g u(po\ tw=n e)gxwri/wn o)noma/zontai. kai\ *magousai=oi, oi( au)toi/. kai\ *gohteu/w: ai)tiatikh=|.
See also
gamma 365.
On magic in the ancient world see generally OCD(4) s.v.
[1] On Apollonius of
Tyana see
alpha 3420; on magic,
mu 9 and
mu 13.
[2] George the Monk,
Chronicon 1.74.10-20. For pharmakeia see
phi 100.
[3] George the Monk,
Chronicon 1.96.3-5. This section was copied to
alpha 4257; see also
mu 29,
pi 1367.
Keywords: Christianity; chronology; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; medicine; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 July 2002@01:40:08.
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