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Search results for gamma,361 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,361
Translated headword: little roll
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] round.
Also [sc. attested is the related verb]
gogguli/zei ["he/she/it rolls"],[1] meaning he/she/it turns around.
Aristophanes [writes]: "just like a roll kneaded by a woman." For women, so that they do not seem to be eating too much, give the appearance of moderate eating by making barleycakes in rounds.[2]
Greek Original:*goggu/lion: stroggu/lon. kai\ *gogguli/zei, a)nti\ tou= metastre/fei. *)aristofa/nhs: w(/sper gunaiki\ goggu/lhn memagme/nhn. ai( ga\r gunai=kes, i(/na mh\ dokoi=en polufa/goi ei)=nai, o)ligofagi/as do/can e)mfai/nousi stroggu/las poiou=sai ta\s ma/zas.
Likewise in ps.-
[1] Evidently quoted from somewhere.
Peace 28 (web address 1 below), with comment from the
scholia there.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 July 2002@15:00:39.
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