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Search results for gamma,353 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,353
Translated headword: knowledge
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The knowledge of all things comes about either through a certain similarity and identity or by dissimilarity and difference. For we know that which is white both by comparison with something white, therefore similar, and by [comparison with] something black, for white [is] the opposite of black. And they say that the nature of the same and of the different were mixed in the composition of this [sc. knowledge].
Greek Original:*gnw=sis: o(/ti pa/ntwn h( gnw=sis h)\ o(moio/thti/ tini kai\ tauto/thti gi/netai h)\ a)nomoio/thti kai\ e(tero/thti. to\ ga\r leuko\n kai\ th=| tou= leukou= paraqe/sei gnwri/zomen, dio/ti o(/moion: kai\ th=| tou= me/lanos, to\ ga\r e)nanti/on tw=| me/lani leuko/n. kai\ th/n ge fu/sin tou= tau)tou= kai\ tou= e(te/rou e)n th=| susta/sei tau/ths memi/xqai fasi/.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 July 2002@13:50:53.
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