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Search results for gamma,340 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,340
Translated headword: judgement, opinion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "No just act [is] stronger than weapons. For everyone excelling in force seems always to act and to speak with more justice."
Greek Original:*gnw/mh: o(/ti ou)de\n dikai/wma tw=n o(/plwn i)sxuro/teron. pa=s ga\r o( duna/mei prou)/xwn dikaio/tera a)ei\ kai\ pra/ttein kai\ le/gein dokei=.
Cassius Dio 61.1.2, quoted from
delta 1080.
The present headword is not part of the quotation: it
might simply flag up a "maxim".
Keywords: ethics; historiography; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 15 July 2002@11:05:26.
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