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Search results for gamma,330 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,330
Translated headword: fuller
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It is applied to washing in the evangelist Mark in the chapter of [ = on] the Transfiguration.[1]
But in the kappa [entry]:[2] there lies a usage of
Aristophanes, thus: "if the fullers supplied cloaks to those who needed them, whenever the sun first turned, then pleurisy would never get any of you."[3]
And it seems that the [word] "fuller" [
knapheus], from
chlaina ["cloak"], is applied to skins.
Greek Original:*gnafeu/s: e)pi\ tou= plu/tou kei=tai para\ tw=| eu)aggelisth=| *ma/rkw| e)n tw=| kefalai/w| th=s metamorfw/sews. e)n de\ tw=| ka/ppa: e)ntau=qa kei=tai tou= *)aristofa/nous xrh=sis ou(/tws: h)\n pare/xwsi toi=s deome/nois oi( knafei=s xlai/nas, e)peida\n prw=ton h(/lios traph=|, pleuri=tis a)\n u(mw=n ou)de/na la/boi pote/. kai\ fai/netai a)po\ th=s xlai/nhs to\ knafeu\s e)pi\ tw=n dermate/wn kei=sqai.
Mark 9:3 (Christ's clothing becomes whiter than any fuller could make it).
[2] That is,
kappa 1855. See also
gamma 328.
Ecclesiazusae 415-17 (web address 1 below).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; religion; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 July 2002@23:08:15.
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