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Search results for gamma,291 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,291
Translated headword: longs for
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with a genitive. [Meaning he/she/it] has too much regard for, craves.[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related present participle] glixo/menos ["longing for"], [meaning he] craving.[2]
But [also used] with an accusative: "and these were the things, these which [he] was longing for."[3]
Greek Original:*gli/xetai: genikh=|. li/an e)/xetai, e)piqumei=. kai\ *glixo/menos, e)piqumw=n. kat' ai)tiatikh\n de/: kai\ tau=ta h)=n, a(\ tau=t' e)gli/xeto.
Same material, variously, in other lexica; see further below.
cf. generally
gamma 288,
gamma 289,
epsilon 140.
[1] Same glossing in
Photius; similar in
Hesychius, where Latte reasonably suggests that the headword itself is quoted from
Demosthenes 18.207 (on
[2] Same gloss in
Hesychius; Latte there suggests that the participle is quoted from
Phaedo 117A, but there are numerous other possibilities.
[3] This quotation is given more accurately in other lexica, and also attributed there:
Demosthenes 5.22 (on Philip).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; history; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 9 July 2002@18:11:51.
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