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Search results for gamma,288 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,288
Translated headword: sticky, greedy, stingy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] something gluttonous, and sweet.
Or gluey.
Also [sc. attested is the masculine]
gli/sxros, [meaning] parsimonious,[1] miserly, completely filthy.[2]
"But I proved to be a person hard for such people to get rid of, and I still stuck like glue[3] to the truth, since I had truly become rich in broad daylight."[4]
"He came down out of lands that were stingy and that provided insufficient means to live from even in peacetime."[5] That is providing little in the way of nourishment.
The Attic authors used to use
gli/sxron in reference to misfortune.
Aristophanes in
Peace [writes]: "o greedy one, do you see that I no longer appear to you to be totally foul?"[6] Meaning o acquisitive one; from the [verb]
gli/xesqai ["to cling"]. This is addressed to Hermes. And elsewhere
Aristophanes in
Peace: "nevertheless they jerk just like greedy doggies tearing apart a carcasse."[7]
And Arrian [writes]: "and they stingily provided the army with supplies."[8] Meaning parsimoniously.
Greek Original:*gli/sxron: to\ lai/margon, kai\ h(du/. h)\ kollw=des. kai\ *gli/sxros, feidwlo\s, skifo\s, pa/nu r(uparo/s. a)ll' e)gw/ tis a)/ra dusapa/llaktos h)=n a)po\ tw=n toiou/twn kai\ gli/sxrws e)/ti ei)xo/mhn th=s au)th=s a)lhqei/as, a(/te w(s a)lhqw=s o)/nar plouth/sas. kate/bh e)k xwri/wn gli/sxrwn kai\ mhd' e)n ei)rh/nh| tre/fein i(kanw=n o)/ntwn. toute/sti trofh=s spanizo/ntwn. o(/ti to\ gli/sxron e)pi\ dustuxi/a| e)/legon oi( *)attikoi/. *)aristofa/nhs *ei)rh/nh|: w)= gli/sxrwn, o(ra=|s w(s ou)ke/t' ei)=nai/ soi dokw= miarw/tatos. a)nti\ tou= w)= e)piqumhta/: para\ to\ gli/xesqai. pro\s *(ermh=n o( lo/gos. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs *ei)rh/nh|: e(/lkousi d' o(/mws glisxro/tata sarka/zontes w(/sper kuni/dia. kai\ *)arriano/s: ta\ e)pith/deia gli/sxrws th=| stratia=| e)pori/zonto. a)nti\ tou= feidome/nws.
The headword, which must be quoted from somewhere, is neuter nominative/accusative singular of
gamma 289.
[1] cf.
lambda 608.
[2] From the
scholia to
Republic 553C, where the cognate adverb occurs (cf. next note).
[3] This is an effort to translate the adverb
gli/sxrws, employed here.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable. (Adler suggests Julian.)
[5] Quotation not identified by Adler, but it is a very close approximation (only the opening verb differs) of
Sulla 15.2: Sulla transfers his forces from such lands (meaning Attica) into food-rich Boeotia.
Peace 193-4 (web address 1), with comments from
scholia thereto; cf.
delta 310,
mu 1027.
Peace 481-2 (web address 2).
[8] Arrian, from either the
Parthica or the
After Alexander fr.6 Roos-Wirth; FGrH 156F133.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; historiography; history; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 22 June 2003@05:45:24.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 23 June 2003@04:48:09.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword; cosmetics) on 8 June 2012@03:58:01.
Catharine Roth (upgraded links) on 9 September 2012@18:53:04.
David Whitehead (expanded n.5; cosmetics) on 28 September 2015@04:35:51.
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