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Search results for gamma,247 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,247
Translated headword: aged, old
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] ancient, advanced in years.
"But although he was already an old man and for the most part lame in both feet and unable to ride on a horse, nevertheless just like some able-bodied youth he was not remiss in labors, but proceeded into the battle lines carried in a litter."[1]
Greek Original:*ghraio/s: palaio\s, probebhkw/s. o( de\ ghraio/s te w)\n h)/dh kai\ e)k plei/stou a)/mfw tw\ po/de pephrwme/nos kai\ oi(=os mh\ e)f' i(/ppou o)xei=sqai, o(/mws w(/sper tis neani/as r(wmalew/tatos ou)k a)phgo/reue pro\s tou\s po/nous, a)lla\ fora/dhn ei)s ta\s parata/ceis e)foi/ta.
J.D. Frendo, trans., Agathias: The Histories, (Berlin 1975)
Keywords: biography; definition; historiography; medicine; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 July 2002@23:09:25.
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