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Search results for gamma,220 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,220
Translated headword: parapet
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Parapet] and cornice: [both mean] the top of a wall. Or a house's crown. Also [sc. attested are] gei=sa ["cornices"], [meaning] tops of walls.
Or gei=sos, [meaning] a farmer.[1]
Greek Original:*gei/sion kai\ *gei=sos: to\ a)/kron tei/xous. h)\ stefa/nwma oi)/kou. kai\ *gei=sa, teixw=n a)/kra. h)\ *gei=sos, o( gewrgo/s.
Similar material, variously, in other lexica.
The twin primary headwords apply usually to the coping or cornice on a roof or wall that shelters the wall and those under it from rain or falling missiles. The diminutive gei/sion appears to refer to a small wall or parapet with cornice thrown up to protect from enemy missiles. By 'crown' is probably meant the parapet with cornice that often encircles a flat roof.
[1] Unrelated to the above, and otherwise unknown.
Keywords: agriculture; architecture; definition; military affairs
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 July 2002@01:58:11.
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