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Search results for gamma,208 in Adler number:
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Headword: *gesoi/
Adler number: gamma,208
Translated headword: javelins
Vetting Status: high
"The Romans, planting their javelins and putting their helmets on top of them, created the illusion for those [seeing them] at a distance that they were staying on the ridge."[1]
It is a weapon.[2]
The geso/s is a long spear or a pike.
Kriton wrote [about it] in the History of the Getai.[3]
Greek Original:
*gesoi/. oi( *(rwmai=oi ph/cantes tou\s gesou\s kai\ ta\s perikefalai/as tou/tois e)piqe/ntes fantasi/as pare/sxonto toi=s e)k diasth/matos w(s me/nontes e)pi\ tou= lo/fou. e)/sti de\ o(/plon. o(/ti o( geso/s e)stin makroke/nths h)\ konto/s. o(/ti *kri/twn e)/grayen e)n toi=s *getikoi=s.
Attested elsewhere (cf. gamma 87) with the spelling gai=sos (see web address 1 for the LSJ entry), of which this would appear to be a pronunciation-based variant.
[1] This quotation was ascribed by Mueller (FHG 4.374) to the Getika of Kriton -- "absque ratione" in Adler's opinion, though see n.3 below. Jacoby tentatively retains the attribution for FGrH 200 F6.
[2] See gamma 87. (The ethnikon Gaesati, gamma 206, may derive from this.)
[3] Specification of the work (cf. alpha 4035, beta 388, delta 368, kappa 114, kappa 2452) differentiates this Kriton from Plato's (kappa 2451) and, more importantly, other homonymous historians (kappa 2453, kappa 2454). It remains uncertain, however, whether this addendum to the entry refers to the quotation actually given in it; cf. n.1 above.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 June 2003@05:58:19.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 18 June 2003@06:15:10.
William Hutton (supplied missing parenthesis mark) on 18 June 2003@08:48:36.
Nicholas Fincher (Added note) on 16 July 2003@06:48:35.
David Whitehead (reworked notes; cosmetics) on 6 June 2012@07:19:44.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 29 March 2016@00:54:02.


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