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Search results for gamma,208 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,208
Translated headword: javelins
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "The Romans, planting their javelins and putting their helmets on top of them, created the illusion for those [seeing them] at a distance that they were staying on the ridge."[1]
It is a weapon.[2]
The geso/s is a long spear or a pike.
Kriton wrote [about it] in the History of the Getai.[3]
Greek Original:*gesoi/. oi( *(rwmai=oi ph/cantes tou\s gesou\s kai\ ta\s perikefalai/as tou/tois e)piqe/ntes fantasi/as pare/sxonto toi=s e)k diasth/matos w(s me/nontes e)pi\ tou= lo/fou. e)/sti de\ o(/plon. o(/ti o( geso/s e)stin makroke/nths h)\ konto/s. o(/ti *kri/twn e)/grayen e)n toi=s *getikoi=s.
Attested elsewhere (cf.
gamma 87) with the spelling
gai=sos (see web address 1 for the LSJ entry), of which this would appear to be a pronunciation-based variant.
[1] This quotation was ascribed by Mueller (FHG 4.374) to the
Getika of Kriton -- "absque ratione" in Adler's opinion, though see n.3 below. Jacoby tentatively retains the attribution for FGrH 200 F6.
[2] See
gamma 87. (The ethnikon Gaesati,
gamma 206, may derive from this.)
[3] Specification of the work (cf.
alpha 4035,
beta 388,
delta 368,
kappa 114,
kappa 2452) differentiates this Kriton from
Plato's (
kappa 2451) and, more importantly, other homonymous historians (
kappa 2453,
kappa 2454). It remains uncertain, however, whether this addendum to the entry refers to the quotation actually given in it; cf. n.1 above.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: William Hutton on 18 June 2003@05:58:19.
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