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Search results for gamma,19 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,19
Translated headword: birds' milk
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who enjoy excessively good fortune and have acquired everything. Or to things which are scarce. He is saying, we will provide those benefits which are scarce and difficult to find, "so that it will be possible for you to grow weary from good things."[1] That is, you are likely to become worn out in surfeit of good things; thus you will all be wealthy.
Aristophanes in
Birds [writes]: "we will give you [...] health-and-wealth,[2] good fortune, peace, youth, laughter, choruses, festivities, and birds' milk, so that it will be possible for you to grow weary from good things."
Greek Original:*ga/la o)rni/qwn: e)pi\ tw=n li/an eu)daimonou/ntwn kai\ pa/nta kekthme/nwn. h)\ e)pi\ tw=n spani/wn. ta\ spa/nia/ fhsi kai\ duseu/reta tw=n a)gaqw=n pare/comen: w(/ste pare/stai kopia=n u(mi=n u(po\ tw=n a)gaqw=n. toute/stin e)n plhsmonh=| geno/menoi tw=n a)gaqw=n a)peirhke/nai me/llete: ou(/tw plouth/sete pa/ntes. *)aristofa/nhs *)/ornisi: dw/somen u(mi=n plouqugi/eian, eu)daimoni/an, ei)rh/nhn, neo/thta, ge/lwta, xorou\s, qalei/as ga/la t' o)rni/qwn, w(/ste pare/stai u(mi=n kopia=n u(po\ tw=n a)gaqw=n.
From the
scholia to
Birds 729-735 (web address 1), quoted (with slight abridgment) at the end of the entry. (
Aristophanes' "festivities,"
qali/as, has here become
qalei/as "abundances", probably a pronunciation-based error arising in transcription.) For this proverbial phrase see already
Wasps 508 (web address 2), and other citations in LSJ s.v.
ga/la (web address 3);
Diogenianus 2.15 (attributing it to
Aristophanes and
Eupolis) and other paroemiographers.
[1] An excerpt of the quotation that is presented more fully below.
[2] For this Aristophanic compound noun see
pi 1790,
pi 1791.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: comedy; daily life; economics; ethics; food; imagery; poetry; proverbs; religion; stagecraft; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 27 June 2002@18:48:43.
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