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Search results for gamma,187 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,187
Translated headword: over-ripe
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the ripened olive on the tree. "[Over-ripe] and pituris[1], and [one] which they preserved white". That is, the olive crushed and so preserved. "An autumn-olive swimming in brine"; he is speaking of the kolumbas ["pickled olive"].[2]
Greek Original:*gerge/rimon: th\n e)n tw=| de/ndrw| pepanqei=san e)lai/an. [gerge/rimon] pi/turi/n te, kai\ h(\n a)peqh/kato leukh/n. toute/sti th\n sunqlasqei=san kai\ ou(/tws a)poteqei=san e)la/an. ei)n a(li\ de\ nh/xesqai fqinopwri/da: th\n kolumba/da le/gei.
The headword, which should be the first word of the quotation given (but has been omitted in transmission), is in the accusative case.
[1] A type of olive which was small and pale in colour.
Hecale fr.248, with comments from the
scholia there; cf.
Deipnosophists 2.56C (2.47 Kaibel). See also
delta 1549,
epsilon 729, and
phi 494.
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; poetry
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 5 June 2003@03:51:51.
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