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Search results for gamma,184 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,184
Translated headword: she-cranes which have swallowed stones
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those doing something with forethought; for because they fly up high and the view downward is a hindrance to their progress straight forward, cranes lift up stones, so that they can drop them when tired in their flight and can perceive whether they are being carried toward land or sea. And if the stone comes to the sea, they have finished their journey; but if [the stone goes] to the earth, they take a rest.
Aristophanes says this: "cranes having swallowed stones".[1]
Cranes flying carry pebbles in their mouths as a support so as not to be run off course by the winds.[2]
Greek Original:*ge/ranoi li/qous katapepwkui=ai: e)pi\ tw=n pronohtikw=s ti poiou/ntwn: ai( ga\r ge/ranoi dia\ to\ e)n u(/yei pe/tesqai kai\ th=| ei)s eu)qu\ o(rmh=| th\n e)pi\ ta\ ka/tw qe/an e)mpodi/zesqai li/qous basta/zousin, o(/pws ka/mnousai th=| pth/sei r(i/ptoien kai\ ai)/sqointo po/teron e)pi\ gh=s h)\ qala/tths fe/rontai. kai\ ei) me\n e)pi\ qa/lattan h(/koi o( li/qos, a)nu/ousi th\n o(do/n: ei) de\ e)pi\ gh=s, a)napau/ontai. tou=to/ fhsin *)aristofa/nhs: ge/ranoi li/qous katapepwkui=ai. o(/ti ai( ge/ranoi peto/menai e)n toi=s sto/masin yh/fous fe/rousi sthri/gmatos e(/neka pro\s to\ mh\ parafe/resqai a)ne/mois.
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Keywords: comedy; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 July 2002@16:22:15.
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