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Search results for gamma,143 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,143
Translated headword: procreative [power]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Better than all [other powers] and more honorable than the natural abilities of the soul [is] the procreative power, second [is] growth,[1] and third nourishment.[2] The job of nourishment is to preserve the form, for we are preserved as far as we are nourished; that of growth is bringing to the measure which is complete and according to nature, reaching which both animals and plants arrive at the most suitable[3] fulfillment of nature, I mean the procreative power. For thus the most perfect aim of nature [is achieved] through the striving for eternity, being restored to mortal creatures by succession. As a result the growth of a substance provides the logic for its procreation, and the nourishment for its growth.[4]
Melissos supposed that that which did not come into being had no origin; but it is false: for many things which are unbegotten have origins.[5]
Greek Original:*gennhtikh/. o(/ti krei/ttwn pasw=n kai\ timiwte/ra tw=n th=s yuxh=s fusikw=n duna/mewn h( gennhtikh/, deu/teron de\ h( au)chtikh/, kai\ tri/ton h( qreptikh/. th=s me\n ga\r qreptikh=s e)/rgon e)sti\ to\ sw/|zein to\ ei)=dos: me/xri ga\r tosou/tou sw|zo/meqa, e(/ws a)\n trefw/meqa: th=s de\ au)chtikh=s to\ ei)s te/leion kai\ kata\ fu/sin me/tron a)gagei=n, ei)s o(\ geno/mena ta/ te zw=|a kai\ ta\ futa\ e)pi\ to\ skopimw/taton th=s fu/sews te/los, le/gw dh\ th\n gennhtikh\n du/namin, paragi/netai. ou(/tw ga\r th=s fu/sews o( telikw/tatos skopo\s dia\ th\n e)/fesin th=s a)i+dio/thtos, toi=s qnhtoi=s zw/|ois e)piskeuasth=s th=| diadoxh=| ginome/nhs. w(/ste h( me\n au)chtikh\ u(/lhs e)pe/xei lo/gon pro\s th\n gennhtikh/n, pro\s de\ th\n au)chtikh\n h( qreptikh/. o(/ti *me/lissos w)/|eto to\ mh\ geno/menon ou)k e)/xein a)rxh/n: yeu=dos de/ e)sti: polla\ ga\r a)ge/nnhta o)/nta a)rxa\s e)/xei.
(Entry out of alphabetical order.)
cf. generally
gamma 140,
gamma 145.
[1] cf.
alpha 4454.
[2] cf.
theta 474.
[3] cf.
sigma 660.
[4] John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 228.10-19.
[5] Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 192.1-3. In Alexander's text, the last clause has
a)ge/nhta with single
nu: "many things which do not come into being have origins."
Aristotle's criticism of this Melissos' argument is also discussed in
Physics, 1.3 (186a10ff.).
Keywords: biography; definition; food; gender and sexuality; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 July 2002@01:40:39.
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