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Search results for gamma,136 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,136
Translated headword: creation, origin, nativity
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Fate is also called nativity.[1]
Reflection[2] and free will are older than creation.[3]
The beginning [is] also [called] origin.
Aelian [writes]: "from there also the ailment took its origin".[4]
Greek Original:*ge/nesis: ge/nesis le/getai kai\ h( ei(marme/nh. e)/sti de\ presbu/teron th=s gene/sews e)/nnoia kai\ au)tecousio/ths. *ge/nesis kai\ h( a)rxh/. *ai)liano/s: e)/nqen oi( kai\ to\ a)rrw/sthma h)=n th\n ge/nesin labo/n.
See also
gamma 134,
gamma 135.
[1] In astrology, one's time of birth determines one's fate: see LSJ s.v. A.II.2, also Lampe s.v. 8.
[2] Or good sense.
[3] George the Monk,
Chronicon 98.7-8 de Boor.
Aelian [
alphaiota 178] fr. 97 Domingo-Forasté (94 Hercher), from one of the lost works (
On Providence,
On Divine Evidence), strongly influenced by Stoicism.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; historiography; medicine; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 5 May 2002@15:10:53.
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