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Search results for gamma,128 in Adler number:
Adler number: gamma,128
Translated headword: age
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "According to some [sc. an 'age' is] 7 years, which is also why the doctors say that it is not right to let blood for two ages, saying that [it is] the fourteenth [year] when blood still is lacking and [a patient] does not yet have an excess of blood; but according to others [it is] 30 [years], which is also why they want Nestor to be 90 years [old]."[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
trige/rwn ["thrice-aged"], one living three ages, that is, ninety years old. "Nestor [...] thrice-aged has a tomb in sacred
Greek Original:*genea/: kat' e)ni/ous me\n e)/th z#, o(/qen kai\ le/gousin oi( i)atrikoi\ tw=n du/o genew=n mh\ dei=n flebotomei=n, to\n tessareskaide/katon le/gontes w(s e)/ti prosdeome/nou ai(/matos kai\ ou)de/pw e)/xontos perisso\n ai(=ma: kat' e)ni/ous de\ l#, o(/qen kai\ to\n *ne/stora bou/lontai #4# e)/th gegone/nai. kai\ trige/rwn, o( trei=s genea\s biou/s, toute/stin e)nenhkontou/ths. *ne/stwr e)n *pu/lw| h)gaqe/h| tu/mbon e)/xei tritoge/rwn.
Artemidorus 2.70. The infinitive 'to let blood' has its own entry at
phi 522.
[2] An abridgment of
Greek Anthology 7.144.1-2 (
Greek Anthology Appendix 119.1-2), quoted from
tau 960, q.v. The final word should be
Keywords: chronology; daily life; definition; epic; geography; medicine; mythology; poetry; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 July 2002@23:36:48.
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