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Adler number: gamma,12
Translated headword: Gaius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Emperor of [the] Romans. At first he handled the affairs of the empire in a high-minded fashion and dealt with his subordinates professionally. But after two years he deviated from human nature and, in imitation of his [sc. adoptive] father [sc.
Tiberius], deified himself and sent a statue of himself to be set up in the temples of each of the cities. And he issued an edict to the temple of
Jerusalem, demanding that it be called the shrine of the young Gaius [....] When decreeing slave-rule he permitted [slaves] to denounce their masters if they knew of any transgression on their parts. This caused a horrible catastrophe to rock the entire realm, as slaves subjected their masters to grievous penalties. For each of them wanted to avenge himself on his own master for the punishments he had suffered previously at his hands. And that is not all: descending into madness he improperly clothed himself in women's robes and bedecked his hair with curls and a kind of hairnet, and bearing himself like a woman he compassed all manner of shameful deeds; he devised rituals and performed foreign mystery ceremonies. Moreover, one time he took his own daughter and put her into the lap of the statue, saying, "you begot her and you are her rightful father."[1]
This man became the most defiled and the most unholy and conceived such an impulse toward evil that he made people forget the shortcomings of
Tiberius. For all that had been gained by Augustus in a great length of time he lost in a single day. Having become the most debauched of men he even seized upon betrothed and married women, and charging his own nurse with stupidity he drove her to the point where she was compelled to die by her own hand. He also took advantage of his sisters and joined with them in illegal intercourse, so as to become even the father of unholy offspring born from one of these very sisters. He arranged that there be temples and sacrifices [to himself] as a demigod. The Romans were at the mercy of him as emperor, in such a way that the actions of
Tiberius, though they were thought to have been most grievous, were surpassed by those of Gaius as much as those of Augustus were by that one [i.e.
This man reigned after
Tiberius and was called 'Caligula'.[3]
Greek Original:*ga/i+os, *(rwmai/wn basileu\s, to\ me\n prw=ton megalofro/nws diei=pe th=s basilei/as ta\ pra/gmata kai\ pa=si toi=s u(phko/ois kaqhko/ntws e)xrh=to, meta\ de\ du/o xro/nous e)ksta\s th=s a)nqrwpi/nhs fu/sews kata\ mi/mhsin tou= patro\s e(auto\n a)peqe/wse kai\ a)ndria/nta e(autou= kata\ po/lin e)n toi=s naoi=s a)pe/steile kaqidru/sasqai kai\ ei)s to\n tw=n *(ierosolu/mwn nao\n qespi/sas ne/ou *gai/+ou i(ero\n prose/tacen o)noma/zesqai. kai\ doulokrati/an nomoqeth/sas e)pe/treye kathgorei=n tw=n despotw=n, ei)/ ti a)\n ei)doi=en au)toi=s plhmme/lhma. ka)nteu=qen deinh\ sumfora\ kateilh/fei th\n oi)koume/nhn pa=san, tw=n oi)ketw=n mega/lais timwri/ais u(poballo/ntwn tou\s despo/tas. e(/kastos ga\r a)mu/nesqai e)bou/leto to\n i)/dion despo/thn u(pe\r w(=n par' au)tou= basa/nwn proe/pasxen. ou) mh\n de\ a)lla\ kai\ ei)s mani/an trapei\s a)/qesmon stola\s gunaikei/as h)mfie/nnuto kai\ th\n ko/mhn ploka/mois kai\ plokh=| tini periste/llwn kai\ gunaikizo/menos kai\ pa=san ai)sxrourgi/an diapratto/menos teleta\s e)peno/ei kai\ ce/na musth/ria e)pete/lei. kai\ dh\ labw/n pote th\n i)di/an qugate/ra kai\ ei)s tou\s ko/lpous tou= a)ga/lmatos au)th\n qe/menos e)/fh, su\ tau/thn gege/nnhkas kai\ path\r au)th=s e)/nnomos u(pa/rxeis. ou(=tos miarw/tato/s te kai\ a)nosiw/tatos e)ge/neto kai\ tosou=ton o(rmaqo\n kakw=n suneilhfw\s e)peka/luye ta\ tou= *tiberi/ou meionekth/mata. o(/sa ga\r tw=| *au)gou/stw| e)n pollw=| xro/nw| periepoih/qh, ou(=tos e)n mia=| h(me/ra| a)pekth/sato. moixikw/tato/s te a)nqrw/pwn geno/menos kai\ gunai=kas h(rmosme/nas kai\ gegamhme/nas e)la/mbane. th/n te e(autou= tiqh/nhn e)pitimh/sas a)noi/as e)s a)na/gkhn e(kousi/ou qana/tou kate/sthsen. e)xrh=to de\ kai\ tai=s a)delfai=s kai\ parano/mwn e)koinw/nei mi/cewn, w(s kai\ path\r a)nosi/as katasth=nai gonh=s e)k mia=s au)tw=n tw=n a)delfw=n a)pogennhqei/shs. naou/s te kai\ qusi/as w(s h(miqe/w| gi/nesqai pareskeu/aze. toiou/tw| au)tokra/tori oi( *(rwmai=oi paredo/qhsan, w(/ste ta\ tou= *tiberi/ou e)/rga kai/per xalepw/tata do/canta gegone/nai tosou=ton ta\ *gai/+ou, o(/son ta\ tou= *au)gou/stou par' e)kei/nw| parh/negkan. ou(=tos meta\ *tibe/rion e)basi/leuse *kalligo/las o)nomazo/menos.
Also known as Caligula (see, much more concisely,
gamma 11), he reigned 37-41 CE. See generally OCD(4) s.v. Gaius(1).
[1] = (with minor variations and omissions) George the Monk (Georgius Monachus),
Chronicon 1.323.7-324.8. (This passage is also referred to at
delta 1418.) Its assertion, in passing, that
Tiberius (
tau 551,
tau 552) deified himself is untrue.
[2] = (with minor variations) John of
Antioch fr.82 FHG (4.571), now 162.1 Roberto; Constantine Porphyrogenitus,
Excerpta de virtutibus 1.178.6-18), an account which seems to depend heavily on Book 59 of
Cassius Dio (see particularly Dio 59.5 for the last sentence of the present account). A sentence from this source is also quoted at
omicron 596. For Augustus see generally
alpha 4412,
alpha 4413.
[3] This sentence seems to combine material from the beginning of the account of George the Monk (see n. 1 above) and the source of
gamma 11.
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; Christianity; chronology; clothing; daily life; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; law; medicine; politics; religion; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 June 2003@05:31:20.
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