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Adler number: gamma,103
Translated headword: Gelgel
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Thus] the wheel is called. So just as from a high mountain, when out of the Savior's mouth these words were uttered, they rolled over the inhabited world and ran across all of it like a wheel; and all were baptized throughout the nations and cities.[1]
Therefore Galilee is called "revolving" in the Greek language.[2]
Greek Original:*gelge/l: o( troxo\s o)noma/zetai. kaqa/per ou)=n e)c o)/rous u(yhlou= tou= swthri/ou sto/matos proenexqe/nta tau=ta ta\ r(h/mata di/khn troxou= kata\ th\n oi)koume/nhn e)kuli/sqh kai\ pa=san e)pe/drame: kai\ e)bapti/sqhsan pa/ntes kata\ e)/qnh kai\ po/leis. dio\ kai\ *galilai/a katakulisth\ le/getai th=| *(ella/di glw/ssh|.
The headword, transliterated from Hebrew, occurs at
Ezechiel 10.13
LXX; in Hebrew הגלגל. The Hebrew root means "to roll".
[1] For this material see fr. 151 of Apollinaris'
Commentary on Matthew (specifically on 28:16, where Galilee is mentioned).
[2] So already
gamma 36.
Keywords: aetiology; Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; religion
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 20 June 2002@20:31:07.
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