The comparative.
*(hdi/onos: to\ sugkritiko/n.
The headword is a masculine/feminine/neuter comparative form of the adjective
h(du/s, here in the genitive case. See
eta 91 for the comparative neuter nominative/accusative of the same adjective.
Cf. the
Lexicon Ambrosianum (Ambrosianus B12 sup.fol. 77r line 3), which has:
suste/l. h(di/onos: sugkritiko\n; 'shortens [sc. the penultimate vowel in the genitive]
h(di/onos: comparative'. The origin is perhaps in
Prolegomena et scholia in Theodosii Alexandrini canones isagogicos de flexione nominum 272, where the adjective is specifically quoted: 'the comparatives in
wn change the
w to
o in the genitive, as for example…
h(di/wn, h(di/onos'.
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