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Search results for eta,689 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,689
Translated headword: one must either make tragedy or be melancholic
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [sc. A proverbial saying] in reference to neither grieving nor (?)letting go.
Greek Original:*)\h xrh\ tragw|dei=n h)\ melagxola=n: e)pi\ tou= mh/te lupei=sqai mh/te xai/rein.
Comica adespota fr. 553 Kock (now 826 K.-A.), with
pa/ntas after the first infinitive; cf.
Diogenianus 5.13,
Mantissa Proverbiorum 1.67. Tosi (cited under
alpha 378) no.1763, including Horace's well-known Latin version (
Aut insanit homo aut versus facit -- not Tosi's
facit versus --
Satires 2.7.117).
The glossing would be a poor fit with the maxim itself if
xai/rein here meant 'to rejoice'; for the 'letting go' sense see LSJ s.v. II.2.c.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; ethics; poetry; proverbs; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 June 2003@00:50:19.
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