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Search results for eta,661 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,661
Translated headword: Hephaistos, Hephaestus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the god [sc. of that name] and fire.[1]
When Hermes was ruling in Egypt[2] and died, Hephaistos inherited the kingdom, for 1680 days: which was 4 years, 7 months, 8 days. For then the Egyptians did not know how to count time in years, but applied the term "year" to a period of a day. He was mystic and warlike: therefore they even called him a god. He was at war and struck his foot and became lame. He established for the Egyptians the custom [or: law] of good sense [or: self control]: for their women did not know how to be monogamous.[3] By a mystic prayer he received the tongs from the air, by which he made weapons for war and agricultural instruments from iron: for before his time they made war with cudgels and stones.
Greek Original:*(/hfaistos: o( qeo\s kai\ to\ pu=r. o(/ti *(ermou= basileu/santos ei)s *ai)/gupton kai\ qano/ntos, *(/hfaistos paralamba/nei th\n basilei/an, h(me/ras #22axp#: w(s gi/nesqai e)/th d#, mh=nas z#, h(me/ras h#. ou)k h)/|deisan ga\r to/te *ai)gu/ptioi e)niautou\s metrh=sai, a)lla\ th\n peri/odon th=s h(me/ras e)niauto\n e)/legon. h)=n de\ mustiko\s kai\ polemiko/s: dio\ kai\ qeo\n au)to\n e)ka/loun: o(/stis polemw=n e)plh/gh to\n po/da kai\ ge/gone xwlo/s. e)/qhke de\ kai\ no/mon toi=s *ai)gupti/ois swfrosu/nhs: ou)k h)/|deisan ga\r monandrei=n ai( tou/twn gunai=kes. u(po\ de\ mustikh=s eu)xh=s th\n o)cula/bhn a)po\ tou= a)e/ros e)de/cato, di' h(=s kateskeu/asen a)po\ sidh/rou o(/pla polemika\ kai\ gewrgika\ e)rgalei=a: pro\ ga\r au)tou= meta\ r(opa/lwn kai\ li/qwn e)pole/moun.
[1] Same glossing in other lexica, including Apollonius'
Homeric Lexicon, and similarly in several Homeric
[2] cf.
epsilon 3038; for the source of what now follows see [John of
Antiochia] 7.1 Roberto and John Malalas,
Chronographia 1.15 (15.92-16.10 Thurn); see also
eta 235.
[3] Again at
mu 1213.
Keywords: agriculture; chronology; epic; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; imagery; mathematics; medicine; military affairs; mythology; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 13 June 2000@13:10:54.
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