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Search results for eta,655 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,655
Translated headword: the door of Phanos, the door of Phanus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Demon says[1] that Phanos was a usurer, and besides, he was blind. When the door of his treasury was being opened he prepared it such that no one might open it without making a noise. Some say that when his wife was cuckolding him he engineered the outer door so that it would not be opened without a sound. When she received her adulterous down through the roof, the neighbors jeered at people accomplishing nothing in safeguarding [themselves] and said it was "the door of Phanos".
Greek Original:*(h *fa/nou qu/ra: to\n *fa/non fhsi\ *dh/mwn o)bolosta/thn ei)=nai, a)/llws de\ tuflo/n. u(panoigome/nhs de\ au)tw=| th=s tou= tamiei/ou qu/ras kataskeua/sai toiau/thn, h(\n ou)k a)/n tis h)/noice mh\ yo/fon poih/sas. e)ni/ous de\ le/gein, w(s moixeuome/nhs au)tw=| th=s gunaiko/s, th\n au)/leion qu/ran ei)rga/sato w(s mh\ a)/neu yo/fou a)noi/gesqai. th=s de\ kata\ tou= ste/gous dexome/nhs to\n moixo/n, xleua/zontas tou\s gei/tonas e)pi\ tw=n mhde\n a)nuo/ntwn e)n tw=| fula/ttein, th\n *fa/nou qu/ran ei)=nai le/gein.
Same entry in
Photius (
Lexicon eta299 Theodoridis); also in several of the paroemiographers.
Theodoridis regards the correct version of the name as Phanios/Phanius.
Demon FGrH 327 F11.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; daily life; economics; gender and sexuality; historiography; medicine; proverbs; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 4 December 2000@09:43:00.
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