["Defeated] (meaning being inferior) [he might depart"].
*(htthqei\s [a)nti\ tou= h(=tton e)/xwn] a)pe/nqoi.
Adler prints the headword as a two-word phrase (presumably quoted from somewhere) with a parethentical gloss -- 'meaning being inferior' -- to the first of the words, the aorist participle of
h(tta/omai (Attic form) in the masculine nominative singular.
The main verb as printed is a Doric aorist optative of
a)pe/rxomai, but Adler notes that some mss have
a)pe/lqei, or
a)pe/lqw. Bernhardy conjectured
a)pe/lqh| i.e. subjunctive. (There are instances of
h(tthqei\s a)pe/lqh| in
Epictetus and John Chrysostom).
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