[sc. In respect of] the things you arranged and agreed.[1]
You transgressed.[2]
*)hsunqe/thkas: a(\ sune/qou kai\ w(molo/ghsas. pare/bhs.
[1] The headword as transmitted is second person singular, perfect active, of
a)sunqete/w. Very similar glossing in other lexica, e.g.
Photius eta282, where however the opening word of the gloss is not the relative pronoun
a(/ but
h)/, i.e. apparently proffering the glossing verbs as synonyms of the headword. Theodoridis accordingly obelizes
h)sunqe/thkas and regards it as a mis-transmission of the phrase
h)\ sunte/qeikas; cf. generally
Hesychius sigma2712.
[2] Theodoret (PG 80.1448c) on
Psalm 72.15
LXX (which actually has first person singular).
David Whitehead (tweaked headword and tr; augmented notes) on 8 August 2006@03:51:19.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaking) on 20 December 2012@08:42:15.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 23 April 2016@09:02:48.
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