A [feminine] proper name.
*(hsio/nh: o)/noma ku/rion.
That of at least three female figures in Greek mythology (see OCD(4) s.v): (1) an Oceanid, wife of Prometheus; (2) wife of Nauplius and mother of Palamedes and others; and most importantly (3) a Trojan princess, daughter of Laomedon and (therefore) sister to his son Podarces/Priam. When Hesione was about to be sacrificed to a sea monster, sent by Poseidon to the lands surrounding
Troy, Heracles killed the monster and rescued the princess. The story is also linked to the origins of the Trojan War: after having saved Hesione, Heracles sacked
Troy and killed Laomedon, giving the princess to Telamon, who took her to Hellas (where she gave birth to their son Teucer). Some see, in the Achaeans' refusal to give Hesione back, the reason for Paris being sent to abduct Helen.
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