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Search results for eta,552 in Adler number:
Adler number: eta,552
Translated headword: Heron, Hero
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [a] Son of Cotys; of
Athens.[1] Rhetor. He wrote about litigation in [sc. classical]
Athens; then an exegesis of
commentaries on Herodotus, Xenophon, Thucydides;
Approved Words (3 books);
Epitome of Heraclides' Histories;
On the Ancient Orators, and the speeches in which they were victorious when competing against each other.
[b] "
Proclus entrusted himself to Hero [
Myth],[3] as a pious man thoroughly trained in the educational ways of Alexandria."[4]
Greek Original:*(/hrwn, *ko/tuos, *)aqhnai=os r(h/twr, ta\s e)n *)aqh/nais di/kas gegrafw/s: ei)=ta e)ch/ghsin *deina/rxou, u(pomnh/mata ei)s *(hro/doton, *cenofw=nta, *qoukudi/dhn, *kekrime/nwn o)noma/twn bibli/a g#, *)epitomh\n tw=n *(hraklei/dou i(storiw=n, *peri\ tw=n a)rxai/wn r(hto/rwn kai\ tw=n lo/gwn, oi(=s e)ni/khsan pro\s a)llh/lous a)gwnizo/menoi. o(/ti *(/hrwni e)pe/treyen e(auto\n o( *pro/klos a)ndri\ qeosebei= kai\ telei/an paraskeuh\n e)sxhko/ti tw=n kata\ th\n pai/deusin o(dw=n *)alecandrei/as.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; historiography; law; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 2 March 2001@23:43:00.
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